Back to school beach party

Owens school had a beach party and Tom was working late so Katie had to come with us.

This is Wiley, the district mascot.

Beach volleyball. We were the first ones there so it was just Owen, Katie, and a teacher. They had a blast!

Katie did the limbo about 10 times but she’s never ask for it to be lowered.

We also spent time at the floor hockey station (pool bottles as sticks and blow up balls as pucks), the dance party, and origami (which kicked my butt). Friends of ours were also there so Owen was running around with them. After, we took the kids to Culver’s. 🙂

Amazon makes Katie happy!

Katie has been bugging me for a doll stroller for awhile now. I wasn’t going to get her one because she doesn’t need anything else…but then I remembered she had Christmas money from Grauntie Rose and Gruntie Jim. So she and I looked at them on Amazon and two days later, we had a happy little girl.

She walks it all over. Takes it down to Sofia’s. Takes it down to the park (almost a half mile walk!)…

After school PTA playdate

It was a gorgeous day so I took the kids to the PTA after school playdate at Owen’s school playground. It’s always disappointing to see how few people show up for these things—I think there were like 10 kids there when we got there (for a district-wide event that’s nothing). That said, it was terribly mosquito-y so we didn’t stay long, but the kids had fun with a parachute!

A successful play date!

My new friend that I met at the playground (LOL) invited us over today so that was right after the orthodontist. They live in a new subdivision in a huge new house and it really made me miss our new houses… And yes, I told her I kind of hated her a little bit. 🙂

The kids all got along—even with Katie! They jumped on the trampoline, played Xbox for a bit, played Legos, had snacks, then played board games.

Anna was really impressed since she said normal playdates only last about 20-30 minutes before one of the boys is done. So apparently Owen and Katie are magic.

Her husband happened to come home early and he was just as great and easy to chat with as she is and we had a great time. I can’t wait for them to meet Tom!

Oh, and you know how I said it was weird how similar we were? Look what she has?

We have the same exact secretary. I have only ever seen one other of these in person and it was at antique store. Bizarre. (Truth be told, I might like ours better if it looked like this. In its current state it is NOT my style.)

The time flew and suddenly it was 3 hours later…

Hurricane Harbor for the first (and likely last) time!

We were supposed to meet friends at Six Flags water park (Hurricane Harbor) after the play date. Let’s just say things didn’t go quite as planned and I didn’t have the fun time I expected.

  1. It was hot and humid.
  2. It was super busy. As in we got there about an hour or so after they opened and there were still about 200 people in line ahead of us.
  3. Everywhere you looked it was just a sea of wet and/or sweaty humanity. Not my thing.
  4. There was nowhere to sit. I managed to snag one chair in full sun (totally not my thing) and baked there for about two hours while the kids swam.
  5. The person we were meeting ended up being about two hours late but hadn’t really kept me updated so I hadn’t wanted to move too far from our meeting place…or even get in the water. But honestly even if I hadn’t been meeting anyone I wouldn’t have wanted to get in the water…I just hate that many people.
  6. I finally had to get in a line for food around 2:30 because we were starving (the plan had been to eat lunch there) but all the lines are crazy long and move sooooo slowly. The kids and I bypassed the nachos at the place close to us in the hopes of pizza or something but those lines were even more ridiculous. So the kids decided nachos were fine. So even in that short line of about six people…it took almost a half hour. Just asinine. And for crappy food. Not my thing.

My friend eventually made it and we headed to the wave pool…which was an even bigger mess of humanity with less place to sit. And by this time we had three adults and eight kids. We tried to sneak into the new VIP section (since it was practically empty) but got called out within minutes.

The kids loved the wave pool and I let them swim for about half an hour but I was long done and we past rest to get the hell out of there. I have zero desire to go back and told the kids I hoped they entire it because we were going back. (And I was even looking forward to the lazy river.)

First ever grandparent camp!!

Since we live so close to family now…and the kids are getting older and more self-sufficient, we thought it was time to let them stay for a long visit with the grandparents! As scheduling happened to work out, we went to Michigan for our family Christmas and then left the kids there…and then Gramma Jean and Grandpa David would drive up to meet Papa and Grannie Lin to hand off the kids…and then we’d eventually drive up to the UP to pick them up. They would be gone a total of 19 days, 12 of which they were completely without us. Needless to say we were all looking forward to it…the grandparents were excited about having the kids, the kids were excited about fun with the grandparents, and we were excited to have some alone time and general peace and quiet.

Here are the pics from some of the adventures they had with Gramma Jean and Grandpa David!

Lake Margarethe – of course they made fast friends with other kids who where there!

Roscommon Zoo

Len Christmas in July, Year 5

And the meat festival begins…Of course Timmy brought a ton of his amazing brats…but this year he added smoked brisket to the menu! HOLY WAH!

And no, your eyes aren’t deceiving you…that’s a Gummy Bear brat. With real gummy bears in it. It wasn’t bad…just a sweet taste. I thought Katie would love it because she LOVES gummy bears but nope. Silly kid.

And the annual kid comparison! After last year when Owen was taller, Nick pulled ahead (which he should, as he’s almost 14).

Owen and Nick 2018


Owen and Nick 2017

The kids goofing around while I was getting the camera set up.

My test shot to make sure the settings were okay, and I loved it so much I kept it. It’s also fun to see how we can all pull it together for the real photo!

Nick and Owen…conspiring? Planning? Who knows.

Gramma created a project for the kids—money frozen in a block! They had to figure out how to get to it! (It didn’t take them long!)

Oh yeah! We also gained a dog for an hour or so. Mom didn’t recognize him and Tom called the number on his tag and it was animal control…?!? He was good and just hung out with us—got a few pets and belly rubs (Maggie pretty much ignored him). After awhile a young girl came looking for him—and we found out she was visiting someone in the neighborhood.

Overall it was a perfectly gorgeous day—not too hot and not too cold, lots of good food (too much, actually, but we’re Lens so it’s expected), and great visiting with family and watching the cousins play!

Just a few fireworks.

Tom and I might have gone a little overboard at the fireworks store…but in our defense the kids love them and all the fun ones are illegal in Illinois. So tonight we did a frog princess and some huge sparklers. (The frog princess was really quite cool but I didn’t get pics because I didn’t think it would last that long… But it kept going and going! I’ll get pics the next time!)

Katie’s birthday adventure with GJ!

Remember last year when Gramma took Katie out on a birthday adventure? Well, she loved it so much they decided to do it again! But this year, Katie was really nice and invited her brother along, too, since she knew he’d have fun, too. Awwwww, what a sweet Katie bug.

They went to the city park and had a picnic lunch, skipped stones, and played in the river; then went mini golfing and to another playground; and finished off with ice cream from Dairy Queen and a quick treat from Dollar General! They had a great day!

Sparklers and smoke bombs.

Since we went out last night to watch real fireworks, we were just going to do some little fireworks at home. I went to the store to buy some and guess what? Turns out fireworks are illegal in Illinois so it was a pretty boring evening. We just had a campfire and neighbors came over so the kids still had fun with the sparklers and smoke bombs but we can’t wait to go to Michigan and do some real fireworks. (Get ready Gramma Jean and Grandpa David!)

When the Six Flags fireworks started we thought we might be able to see them from our front yard or the street but we walked all the way to the church and we could just see them through the trees.

Camp Cadillac

We spent the day in Cadillac with Tom’s extended family at a local campground where the kids enjoyed meeting new friends and playing in the pool.

Katie liked the animals. (Yes there were animals there. She especially liked the goats.)

Maggie didn’t bark once all day…until she got in front of the goats. At which point she thought she was ferocious.

After some visiting I just amused myself. There might have been margaritas involved.

Look who we ran into at the park!

They were just getting done with morning camp and we were just arriving to go to the playground!

Katie loves the pole.

They still like the baby swings. The only rule is that they have to get in and out of it themselves because I am too old to be picking them up, putting them in, and trying to wrangle them out.

Field day with Owen!

Amazingly, Owen wanted me to volunteer for field day…so I jumped at it! The original Field Day got postponed due to rain—it had stormed the night before and the fields were under water so they postponed it a day. It was a beautiful day—but the fields were still a little wet. They had changed up how they did field day, so instead of actually having to run some of the events, we just got to follow along with the class and kind of help out here and there. It was perfect!


Massage business

Katie was playing down at Sophia’s house. Stacey texted me to tell me the girls had set up a massage business and they wanted me to come see it. I couldn’t pass up the invitation so I went down.

They had a little waiting room set up with books. Each of them was taking turns giving each other massages. Whoever was on the couch got to pick the song that was playing and when the song was over it was the next person’s turn.

The kids picked their own reward for “not bothering me” when I’m working.

So last month when I was in the middle of crazy work mode trying to do umpteen things at once, I needed a way to try and keep the kids from bothering me ALL. THE. TIME. I mean yes, I still had to be around for them, but they are old enough to understand “Mom is working, you don’t need to interrupt me every 13 seconds with something stupid.” The final straw came when, one day, I was trying to watch a training video and the kids were playing near me and kept asking me things which meant I had to stop the video then rewind it—over and over. And Owen finally asked me why the lady kept repeating herself! And I had to tell them that she was NOT repeating herself—I just had to keep replaying it because they kept interrupting me.

So I came up with the Family Reward. I set a sales goal for the month and told them that if I (we!) met that goal, we got to go on a reward that they picked. So every time I was working or told them I was busy working they would know that I was working toward the FAMILY GOAL and they shouldn’t bother me. They picked McDonald’s, bowling, and video games by dad’s work. Fine, great, easy peasy. And within the first 10 minutes of showing them the page I had printed and tacked to the wall, Katie was interrupting to ask me something and Owen shushed her, pointed to the sign, and said “MOM IS WORKING!” 🙂

I managed to reach my goal before the end of the month and they made us crazy wanting to go RIGHT THEN AND THERE. But we could obviously only go on the weekends and then we had company so it didn’t work out right away. So this weekend was the first real chance we had. So it was off to base for their reward for “helping mom reach her sales goal” in April by “not bothering mom when she’s working.”

The fancy pants bowling alley lets you take a photo and put it on your scoreboard!

Katie wanted them to be judges.

I came in last place. But I didn’t get to use the bumpers. And it takes me a full game to get warmed up and we only played one game. Yeah, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

She wanted to play basketball and I begrudgingly let her—it was her reward, after all (they each for $5 in quarters for the games). And holy crap can she throw! I was helping her out, but she was making baskets! It was something to behold.

They had a great time and we are glad we did it. After, we went out and got lunch for us (we weren’t wasting calories on McDonald’s)…

Owen’s belated birthday trip with Gramma Jean!

Owen loved Katie’s day with Gramma for her birthday and wanted to do it for his, too! Since Gramma was in Florida for his birthday, they did it this trip.

Gramma says:

Owen and I had a belated birthday adventure today; three parks, shopping for picnic lunch goodies and a stop at Dairy Queen for birthday ice cream treat.

Gramma even tried the roller slide!

SURPRISE! Daddy and Katie just happened to show up at Dairy Queen at the same time Owen and Gramma were there—totally unplanned. They sang Happy Birthday to him!

Bingo night at a new school!

Some background. I was at a PTO meeting awhile back (last year) and they were taking about potential fundraisers and I asked if they’d ever done a bingo night (our favorite event at Halley). They hadn’t, so I gave them the basics, then contacted the Halley PTA for their info so I could pass it on. They were happy to have the head start, and I assumed they’d contact me when they were ready to plan it so I could help…and then I forgot about it. And then at one PTO meeting about two months ago they announced a date for bingo! Well okay then!

We were excited but I honestly wasn’t expecting too much—the flier they sent home didn’t have too much information on it (and of course I was expecting something closer to what I’d given them as an example). There were no pre-paid family deals, they didn’t tell you what any of the prizes were, it said extra bingo cards were $1, it didn’t tell you how much food cost… So we figured it would be a total crap shoot.

We show up about 15 minutes early hoping it’s early enough to find a parking spot and…the lot was basically empty. Oh boy. And there were only about 10 of us waiting outside. Right then I had this feeling it was going to be a failure and I was already feeling horrible that the idea was a bust and I should have been more proactive in helping plan it… And I was worried about everything.

But then they let us in and wow. It was game on. Organized to the Nth degree. Tons of helpers. People selling 50/50 raffle tickets. Food set up in one gym (pizza slices, popcorn, water, and bundt cakes from the delicious local bundt place). A line to pick up your free bingo card and buy more. (It was here I ran into my neighbor who was very surprised when I told her bingo was my idea. She said she’d wished she’d known! I agreed!) The second gym was completely full with tables and chairs and balloons. The bingo screen was projected on two walls (they used Google sheets to keep track of games).

There was a huuuuuge line of prizes.

Runners walking around to check bingos. (They’d give you a ticket if you won, then you’d go up to pick your prize and turn in your ticket to the desk.) Bingo chips instead of daubers.

Crazy kids at the tables. 🙂

And it was fun and lots of people were winning. We weren’t, which of course was a bummer because we were all so close so many times. And then Tom won. And then on the very last card of the night I won, too. Yay!

Before we knew it the night was over. On our way out the PTO president thanked me again for the idea. I apologized for not following up and helping organize and she said not to worry about it—she basically gave them the idea and my notes and they ran with it! Yay!

We took our picture when we got home, though you can’t really see all our spoils (magic rocks, a Woodland sweatshirt, and a gift certificate to a sub place).