Another sick day!

My day started with Owen coming in while I was taking a shower and asking where the wipes were.

Me: Why do you need wipes?
Owen: Because I threw up in my bed and need to clean it up.
Me: Are you okay? Do you still feel sick?
Owen: I’m okay.
Me: Okay, daddy’s downstairs. Go tell him and he’ll take care of it. I’ll be out in a minute.

So I double-timed my already short morning shower and when I got out about three minutes later, Tom was throwing all of Owen’s bedding in the wash. Apparently Owen had been coughing and he threw up (of course the morning after I changed his sheets but that’s neither here nor there)…but he said he felt okay so we were going to send him to school.

Technically I knew we shouldn’t because vomiting is a no-go, but if it was just because of coughing…??? The part of me that says he’s not sick and it’s just a reaction to a gut-wrenching cough is at odds with the part of me that says vomiting is vomiting. I need to get away from the mindset that if he feels absolutely fine, has no temperature, has no other signs of anything, and has a history of vomiting with coughing…he still stays home if he vomits.

I didn’t really have much time to think about it, though, as 20 minutes later he was coughing and threw up again—plus he said his belly doesn’t feel good. Once again, his temp wasn’t even normal (78.1). Tom and I reiterated that staying home does not mean fun and games and he’s going to have to rest and take a nap. But he still says he doesn’t feel good so he’s staying home.

Of course, I had a ton of errands planned for this morning (that I’ve been putting off until today) and now I can’t go. Tom has an early day, though, so he said he’d do some for me.

He ended up throwing up breakfast (about an hour after the fact—thankfully while Tom was still home!) so we cut out all food. We made him sip water and that seemed okay so we gave him a juice box—which came up about an hour later. By dinner he was feeling better so we tried a graham cracker and a strawberry which stayed down, so before bed he got more graham crackers and strawberries (which also stayed down).

I really wish I knew what was happening. 🙁

Our last night at Gramma and Grandpa’s house




After the group photo, he commandeered the tripod to use as a cannon…and then actually as a tripod and was pretending to take pictures.




Sitting by the fire!


Not a bad spur of the moment family picture!







Making s’mores!


Eating s’mores—or in Katie’s case, eating the chocolate bar off the graham cracker.



Happy 2nd Birthday, Katie—Part 2

We had planned to have Katie’s birthday party at the hotel like we did last year, but as it turned out, we could have had the party today since everyone was at the house! We will still have the pizza/pool party, but Gramma Jean still made a cake to celebrate her actual birthday!

This is the look we got after I stopped her from picking a chocolate chip off the cake before we all sat down.










Stripped down because she was covered in chocolate!


Messy walk = early bath

It rained last night so there were still a few puddles in our cul-de-sac. Of course, Katie is drawn to water (as most kids are) and she needed a bath anyway…

It starts off innocent enough…

Even though she says it’s yucky she doesn’t stop!


Taking a break.


So she was pretty wet by the time we were ready to go home…and of course she wanted me to carry her (in my white shirt).

First thing we did when we got home—bath!


Post-bath cuteness!


The little stinker loves running water.

I was putting Katie to bed and heard running water. Huh? Turns out she had come upstairs on her own while Tom and I were outside (unloading the pod) and turned on the water in the jetted tub. It’s a good thing it just held mostly dirty towels and bath toys…but there was a new hair dryer (still in the box) that got soaked that I’m hoping will survive. Best I can guesstimate it was running for at least 20 minutes.

Lesson learned: Owen cannot be trusted to keep an eye on Katie—especially when he’s watching TV!

New car seat + Tom not here to deal with it = mini panic attack

I’ve read the book and watched videos…but I still get really nervous because he’s ALWAYS done them. I’ve NEVER done them. But it actually took longer to get the old one out and clean out the seat than it took to get the new seat in.

The mess under Katie’s seat:


It seems sturdy enough and I’m sure it’s safe but I’m still anxious.

He knew.

Me: Owen, come here, I need to talk to you about something.
Owen: What?
Me: Mama isn’t happy with something you did downstairs last night.
Owen: What?
Me: You know what you did.
Owen: Looking sheepish. I sprayed hair gel all over the bathroom.
Me: Yes, and it made a sticky mess.
Owen: I’m sorry.
Me: Well it was kind of funny because I went to the bathroom and the seat stuck to my butt.
Owen: Giggle.
Me: But you made a mess and you have to clean it up.
Owen: Why?
Me: You know.
Owen: Because we clean up our messes.

He knows. 🙂

So I gave him a Clorox wipe and he did a cursory wipe over the sink, toilet, and floor. I would have made him do more (or better) but it was a school morning and we didn’t have that much time.

He’s lucky I have a night to sleep on it.


I just went to the bathroom downstairs and thought “What the hell is running down the wall that’s sticky?” Then I got off the toilet and wondered why the seat was sticky. Then I noticed the mirror was covered in something…as well as the floor.


Owen got a hold of the spray gel that was in there (from when I did his hair a few days ago). So THAT’S what he was in there doing when he didn’t come out right away after going potty and “washing his hands.” GRRRRRRRRRR.

I will just say he was VERY lucky I didn’t discover it when he was still awake and I will have a night to sleep on it…because I was already on the edge from his snotty refusal to pick up like I asked.

Needless to say I cleaned the bathroom tonight but he WILL be cleaning it tomorrow because we clean our messes.


Owen’s first day home sick.

Owen is staying home sick today. He still doesn’t have a temp but he really wants to stay home.

He came and laid with me this morning and told me he threw up a little on his pillow… I didn’t think much of it because I thought he’d tell me if it was a real mess…then a few minutes later he says he wants new jammies because his were dirty. It was only then did I turn my bedside light on to investigate…and see dried puke on his jammies and his arm. 🙁 Then I went into his room and EGADS there was quite a bit of puke, mostly dried—on his B, both pillows (I’ll have to try and wash them), his quilt, and of course the sheets. We even discovered some in his hair. Poor kid.

Grannie helped get Owen cleaned up while I tore his bed apart. I told him if that happens again to come let me know right away so we can clean it up.

I hate to have him miss school if he’s not really sick, but it’s only pre-k so he won’t be missing much…and I’m hoping that he can rest more and maybe get the phlegm out. There’s no school Monday and I have to take him out Tuesday for doctor appointments…so hopefully in five days he’ll be over this crud.

Markers, Day 2

Owen promised and PROMISED and PROMISED to use them correctly. So, an hour or so after he earned them back…they were ruined (he pressed the tips hard enough to disappear into the marker) PLUS he left them all uncapped and laying all over plus on the floor (which he was warned about yesterday). So I threw them all in the garbage.

Oh, and he had marker ON HIS LIPS and on his body. And there was marker on the toilet seat. Plus he had glue (from the “art set”) all over him! Ages 3+ my ass.

I may have lost my shit just a little.

I can tell I really need a break because normally I think things like that are funny or picture-worthy…and I’m not feeling that anymore. As a matter of fact, I feel like I’m failing…big time.

I’ll just say that Grannie and Papa’s visit cannot come soon enough.

Two weeks…

Two weeks…

Two weeks…

Owen lost his damn mind.

And definitely his marker privileges. This is what I walked into at bedtime:


One, I didn’t know he even took any markers upstairs.

Two, he’s been great with markers thus far so I had NO reason to believe he’d do something like this.

Three, apparently I needed to remind him markers are for PAPER ONLY.

And four—of course, these weren’t any of the 40 “washable” markers we own. Nooooo, these were some other random markers.




It’s in the first wash cycle now.

What a morning.

I’ve been up since 6:30 when Katie started screaming.

The cats have barfed three times.

Katie made a terrific mess out of bananas and granola bars.

I discovered my kitchen sink has been leaking for who knows how long and I haven’t the first clue how to fix it (so am hoping a friend can come over). All the towels stored underneath were soaked.

Owen pooped his pants (the first time since the hospital) and then filled the toilet with about a half roll of TP trying to wipe (zero success, BTW).

And Katie won’t stop screaming when I’m out of her sight.
