Six stops for blackberries!

The weather this morning was great for walking (72° with low humidity) so I made the kids go on a walk. Amazingly once I got them out of the house there was no complaining!

There are lots of blackberries on the trail so whenever we found a ripe bunch we’d stop and I’d pick them. And when I say bunch, I mean 3-4 edible ones. This was our fourth stop!

Our sixth stop!


Now the kids are somewhat excited to go back on the trail to see if there are any more blackberries!

Birthday treats!

Dairy Queen (plus I got my Vacation Bucket List Blizzard!), the park, Pokemon hunting for Owen, splashing and throwing rocks in the river, a walk around the neighborhood with Gramma, and then a Gramma cuddle. 🙂






I thought she’d like sticking her feet in the river but she whined that it was TOO COLD! (It felt like bath water to me!)









Owen’s last Marlins game!

It was crazy hot and sunny for the last game today. Thankfully friends had brought a huge canopy so we all got to sit (or lay!) in the shade!


Owen did super amazing awesome today…unfortunately, I had unexpected phone storage issues (even after I deleted a ton of stuff) so I ended up missing recording a few hits and runs—and a few videos got cut short. GRRR!

And he asked to be catcher today!! He did have some balance issues (see next photo—he kept his feet together instead of using a wide stance so he kept falling over) but he worked through them and did a great job! And looked damn cute!



The coaches actually called the game a half hour early because it was so hot. They had a quick award ceremony afterward.



I had to transcribe what the coach said because it was super awesome and is very hard to hear on the video—the Closed Captions should be turned on so you can read along but here it is just in case:

Due to my phone issues, I missed the first thing he said: I like to call him The Big O!

Come on up! I’ve really seen Owen’s catching progress. Behind the plate as well as catching the ball in the field. Alright, you are certainly catching it like the guys at the next level and very impressive. You’ve had some great hits as well. Alright. I love seeing your enthusiasm out here. Good job, buddy.

Team picture by another mom (since my phone was still acting up):

2016-06-14 00.45.13

Then the pizza party!!!


And showing off his award! He had to run and get this T-ball award from last year, too—he was so excited to have two! He said he will put them both on a shelf together! 🙂




Day 4 of 4.

Unfortunately this run will end soon…we still have about three weeks left of school (they don’t get out until June 23!) so we can only go to the pool on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons (she goes to school MWF at 12:45 and the pool doesn’t open until 12) so until school gets out we can only go Tu/Th and Sa/Su.


And then she got super lucky and the life guard offered her an ice cream that was leftover from the BBQ yesterday. 


Another successful birthday sleepover!

Owen wanted another summer birthday pool party, so like last year, we had a sleepover with two friends for his birthday. I’m not sure who was more excited—Owen or Katie. She did pretty good overall but didn’t understand why the boys didn’t want to go play with her instead of playing with Owen. (That said, she did get to play with them most of the time.)

We had pizza for dinner, then they all played downstairs (including Katie), and then it was time for Pie face! 

Ice cream! Poor Colton (in black) doesn’t like chocolate so didn’t want the ice cream or brownie…so had an ice pop.

Attempting to play a new video game. It wasn’t quite working, so…

We watched a movie. Awwwww. 

Of course, Katie was right in there, too.

Owen: “My bros!”

iPad time

Spying on them. 

We put them to bed at 9:30 and they wanted to read a book so we told them lights out at 10. I happened to be watching on the monitor when they turned the lights out at 9:45. We thought it was too easy…and we were right. They were gabbing LOUDLY for the next hour. The last 20 minutes or so, Tom and I took turns going in to tell them to quiet down and go to bed. The last time Tom went in he warned them that they would not get donuts in the morning if he had to come in again. Then they were finally quiet. 🙂

Tom said they were all up at Owen’s usual time (6:30!) so they were back at Xbox and Tom went to get donuts.

The kids left by 10:30. Owen had a great time and we were glad to have our relatively quiet house back.