Random Katie 

She had her ballerina on today, but a friend brought over some hand-me-down clothes…and as soon as Katie saw there was a skirt, she HAD to have it on. 


A while later, she discovered the rest of the bag…and this dress which she then HAD to have on. This was her look as she watched me pull MORE DRESSES out of the bag. She’s definitely my girly girl. 🙂

Fun with daddy.   

The tunnel got dragged upstairs today. 🙂   

Haircut, Katie, and cool spoons with ice cream!

Okay, a bit of randomness that I didn’t feel like composing separate posts about… 🙂

We decided to give Owen a haircut. We had asked him before we left if he wanted it cut or if he wanted to try and grow it out (with the condition that if he wanted to grow it out, he had to let me put gel in it for school) and he said yes, he wanted to grow it out. Okay, fine. Fast forward a few days and he decided yes, he wanted it short. That was fine by me, so Tom cut it. I didn’t get an actual after picture, but stay tuned until later in this post.



More cool color-changing silverware from Grannie Lin!


And notice the haircut!



And notice Katie in her ballet shoes that she HAD to put on after her bath. 🙂


Frozen birthday party

Katie with the birthday girl (turning 3). Costumes were welcomed!


Katie was introduced to plastic shoes…at a house with all wood floors. EEK!


All I could see was a sprained ankle in her future.


My ankles hurt just watching this.

And then another (mismatched) pair!


But she LOVED them! I just hope she forgets about these and continues to love her real ballerina slippers and “ballerina” crocs. 🙂

Trick or Treating!

The last hour post-dinner/pre-trick-or-treating was the worst (ToT didn’t start until 6:30). Owen was asking me every minute if it was time yet. We just kept the Tivo playing and hoped for the best.


We started getting them dressed (SLOWLY) about 6 and then started inside pictures about 6:20 (none of which turned out)…then outside pictures at 6:25…and it was a good thing that didn’t take too long because Owen started to see neighbor kids come out and he WANTED TO GET STARTED. 🙂 Tom was super excited, too, as he has missed the last two trick-or-treat nights. The weather was chilly, but not bad. I just had on a sweatshirt, Katie had a turtleneck, and I layered two long-sleeved shirts on Owen.





And then one quick cell phone shot as we were headed out!


We ran into one of his friends at the second house.


And then the house that he visited with Grannie Lin with the RIP sign with glowing eyes!


Katie did pretty good walking and keeping up, but when there was a long stretch with no houses, Tom would carry her (and when her pumpkin got too heavy with candy—as it did towards the end of the night—I’d carry that). She would repeat everything we said—like we’d say “Owen, go up to that house” and she’d parrot back “Owen, go up to that house!” The whole night. And she kept saying “I trick or treat! I trick or treat daddy!” It was adorable.


About 10 houses in, they were finally getting the hang of walking up together, actually saying TRICK OR TREAT, and saying THANK YOU. They didn’t have it mastered until almost the end, as usual. 🙂


When we were done with our street, we asked if they wanted to do more or go home. Both immediately said MORE! But, by the time we were done with the second street and we asked the same thing, Owen said he was ready to go home! They had plenty of candy so home we went.




The first thing Owen chose to eat? Pretzels.


Katie? Milky Way.



Giving daddy a big smooch!





She did well for being up way past her bedtime, and we let Owen stay up later as well…but he was definitely ready for bed at 9.

Spirit Day and My Little Pumpkin

I was originally excited thinking that kids would dress up for school today but with the school-wide party last week and early dismissal today, today was a “spirit day” and they were supposed to dress in orange and black. And Tom actually was home this morning and got Katie dressed—and then I remembered at the last possible minute before heading to the bus stop that I had to put her in the sweater that I’ve been waiting a year and a half for (a hand-me-down from the Beson girls!).











Another mom and Katie doll comparison

The one I posted a few days ago…


Then Gramma jean noticed that there was a second picture of me with the doll (she actually went and looked at the first link I posted) so I hunted the picture down and matched it the best with this one:


I still don’t think we look anything alike, aside from maybe both being blonde with blue eyes. Do you see it?

Owen as Anakin

We had been planning on him being Superman because he had the costume last year and it was a bit too big—but we’ve temporarily lost the cape so I wanted a backup just in case. He picked Anakin Skywalker. I had told him he could try it on when he got home from school, so within minutes of walking in the front door he brought it to me. 🙂

Yes, it’s a little big. To get the waist to fit, I have to order a bit larger-than-necessary size, which makes the rest waaaay too long. I think a few well-placed rubber bands on his legs will work well enough for an hour of trick-or-treating.


Now with light saber!


In action!


In mom’s dress with mom’s matching doll—Part 2!

See part 1 here!

Today Gramma Jean and I tried to get a better shot of Katie in the dress with the doll—and with the bonnet that I found (and didn’t lose after we moved!).

First, Katie was thrilled to get new shoes (I’ve had them forever and finally had a reason to get them out). Second, she loved her “long socks” and sat very patiently while I put her tights on. Third, she was excited to finally hold “her dolly” that she had seen sitting on the table waiting. 🙂

Here’s a comparison shot with the original picture and the closest one from today (out of 147 shots):


And a collage of the rest of the best:


Two of my favorites:



Some pics mom took:




Showing grandpa her long socks!


Heading to the bus stop to get Owen, with a brief detour to see the pumpkins and try for more pics:





As always, excited to see Owee getting off the bus!



Back at home, refusing to take off any of the outfit:
