Painting snowmen at art night

I missed out on art night since I was in Michigan, so Tom had photo duty!! I had been looking forward to more ceramic ornaments, but this year they decided to do paintings!

Sitting with friends!

Owen’s on the left, Tom’s/Katie’s on the right.

And a photo from Heather:

And the finished projects:

So, we had a potato penis in the house…

So I have loved this drawing of Katie’s potato people ever since she did it way back in February for Gramma Jean.


And I had thought a few times about turning it into a necklace but never did it. Until this month. So I Photoshopped the extra potato person out, changed it to black, and ended up with this:


And I looked at the drawing and saw that one ear wasn’t attached…so made sure to ask the artist about attaching the ear (she said yes, of course). But I didn’t look any farther than that. So when I got the necklace today I was excited. I took a picture of my new treasure.


Katie was excited at the surprise. And then I really looked at it. REALLY LOOKED AT IT.


What the hell? Why is that line there? She didn’t have a line on her potato person. I dug through my photo files to find it and ahhhh. A belly button. Which, when attached, had to have a line somewhere, right? So it laughingly got turned into a penis! 😯 😆 (Don’t tell me my mind is in the gutter—what did YOU think when you saw it? :p ) I wondered if the artist noticed or thought about it, or just assumed I was a wacky person and wanted to wear a potato penis on my neck. 🙂

So I asked Tom if he could snip it off and file it down (otherwise I’d have to go back to the Etsy artist with my tale of stupidity and hope she’d take pity on me) and he had it done within five minutes. (Gotta love a handy hubby with the right tools!)

So then I came up with this graphic to share. 🙂


But overall the necklace is wonderful and I’d totally order from SilverHandwriting again! I’d just double- and triple-check all the parts of the drawing!

Thank you Mrs. Talley!

I suggested that Owen write his teacher a thank you note for the end of school. I gave him a few ideas, but this is what he came up with all on his own.

Translation (though the writing is much more readable these days):

Thank you for being a good teacher Mrs. Talley. These are my favorite things: recess, lunch, social studies, science, math, computer (MyOn) (Tumble), books, physical education (PE), music, read-to-self, balloons (end of the day popping tomorrow activity), art, library, Mount Vernon field trip.

I was very impressed when I first read what he had written—spacing, spelling, and content. I did, however, give him two brief lessons:

  1. Comma usage for lists (which he mostly understood). Though you can see a few extra commas, he did really well for being in first grade.
  2. How to draw parentheses. He had just drawn a C in front of the word so I showed him what it really looked like—but he had the idea all on his own before that!

He just had to do his weekend news!

Owen’s class does Weekend News for classwork and I absolutely love reading them when they eventually come home. But today he told me he really wanted to do his weekend news so I had to find a template for him! Off he went and came back about 10 minutes later with this.

Translation: last week on Xbox 360 on castle crashers me and my dad beated the whole game with indigo guy and desert guy to earn a fencer and sand thug [thug is on the back].
And just look at his writing!! He did sooo well on his letters and spacing!! I told him I was super proud and he was beaming—grinning from ear to ear and just beaming. I was so proud of him! I emailed it to his teacher and she was proud of him, too!

And then I was trying to get a picture of him beaming and of course he was a silly goose and gave me this face instead.

Happy Mother’s Day from Owen 

You can tell we just had chicken pot pie at home because his answers are VERY chicken-pot-pie related. 🙂

My mom’s name is Jennifer.
She is 42 years old.
Mom and I like to play xbox 360/to help me on my Lego to get me red bricks.
Mom likes to say “I love you/respond.”
My Mom really loves playing with me.
She likes to eat chicken pot pie.
She likes to drink energy drink. [Our Naturally Slim H2OJ.]
My Mom’s job is taking care of me.
If she had time, she would like to watch Ellen DeGeneres.
Mom is really good at making pizza.
If I could go anywhere in the world with her, we’d go to Florida.
I love my Mom because she is nice.