So, we had a potato penis in the house…

So I have loved this drawing of Katie’s potato people ever since she did it way back in February for Gramma Jean.


And I had thought a few times about turning it into a necklace but never did it. Until this month. So I Photoshopped the extra potato person out, changed it to black, and ended up with this:


And I looked at the drawing and saw that one ear wasn’t attached…so made sure to ask the artist about attaching the ear (she said yes, of course). But I didn’t look any farther than that. So when I got the necklace today I was excited. I took a picture of my new treasure.


Katie was excited at the surprise. And then I really looked at it. REALLY LOOKED AT IT.


What the hell? Why is that line there? She didn’t have a line on her potato person. I dug through my photo files to find it and ahhhh. A belly button. Which, when attached, had to have a line somewhere, right? So it laughingly got turned into a penis! 😯 😆 (Don’t tell me my mind is in the gutter—what did YOU think when you saw it? :p ) I wondered if the artist noticed or thought about it, or just assumed I was a wacky person and wanted to wear a potato penis on my neck. 🙂

So I asked Tom if he could snip it off and file it down (otherwise I’d have to go back to the Etsy artist with my tale of stupidity and hope she’d take pity on me) and he had it done within five minutes. (Gotta love a handy hubby with the right tools!)

So then I came up with this graphic to share. 🙂


But overall the necklace is wonderful and I’d totally order from SilverHandwriting again! I’d just double- and triple-check all the parts of the drawing!

I think this sums up our vacation nicely.

Except our trip also had nice weather and grandparents!

But seriously, it was fun overall and I’m glad we got the chance to go. That said, it would have obviously been a lot better if Tom hadn’t been sick for most of it. He spent probably the first two full days between the bed and—TMI—bathroom. Neither of us got much sleep, as I woke up every time he got up (the first night there, we were both up from about midnight to 5am). Then he got to sleep all the next day while I had to function with the kids (and deal with the beach and sand and baths, etc.). But the weather was gorgeous, the kids had a great time (which is the most important part), and it was wonderful spending the week with the grandparents!

These made Owen giggle!

I have an app on my phone where I can put faces in holes of characters—so I picked some Star Wars ones to surprise Owen. He loved them!



And he liked this one the best


I also did this one of Katie but it’s not that great.


And some fun with daddy and mommy!



It’s addicting!


Edited to add:

I redid this one of Owen now that I understand the app better.


Singing the poop song.

He sang a funny on-the-spot made up poop song for me so I asked him to sing it again so I could record it. Of course it wasn’t anything close to what he originally sang, but it was still cute. PLUS! I got the bonus of a pee song. (It’s obviously school-related since he talks about teachers and going back to your “center” which is the different learning areas of the classroom like Library, Housekeeping, Art, and Science.)

I’ll try again another night and see what I get!

What’s in the box?

If you know me at all, you know we order a lot of stuff from Amazon (and online in general, really—I mean, with two kids, it’s really the convenience factor). And with the quantity we order PLUS my sketchy swiss-cheesed mommy-brain memory, I often have NO idea what’s in each box when it arrives. Tom and I sometimes play a game: Can he open the box before I remember what’s in it? 🙂 (If you’re curious, I think it’s about 60/40 to him.)

Well, in my internet travels, I recently saw a really delicious recipe that I saved to Evernote post haste (Chocolate Chip Cookie Peanut Butter S’mores Bars by Cookies & Cups if you’re interested ) but what got me was the beginning text…which sounds just about like our household:

A few weeks ago I opened up my front door to a package.
Now I am no stranger to the package on the front door.
I consider myself a bit of an online shopping expert.

But sometimes when you are such an expert internet shopper you forget about the things you buy…

That is until the box ends up on the front step.

ORRR the husband intercepts said box, which is basically the worst day of my life.

In these cases he generally stands over me while I open the box, all while I over-explain about how it was “on sale”, a “total bargain” or (my favorite) “for the children”.

Anyway, when you open the box it’s like a surprise! What did I order? I can’t even remember!

It’s basically like Christmas.

I mean, you all know how much I LOVE CHRISTMAS… 🙂

But now, all I can think about is those yummy-looking S’more bars. Mmmmmm. I wonder how they’d travel to Afghanistan?!?

Chicken Butter

In the past month or two, Owen has taken to whole chicken butt thing (Guess what? Chicken butt!) but also morphs it into chicken —from chicken Katie to chicken table. He finds it HILARIOUS, as most young kids would. But this morning he went to another level.

Owen: Dad, guess what?
Tom: What?
Owen: Chicken butt! [Laughter]
Tom: Oh you!
Owen: Dad, guess what?
Tom: What?
Owen: I’m a chicken butter!

North vs. South

So all my life, our address has been N. Roberts Road. As time passed, we learned that our road was actually made up of North AND South Roberts Road but no one really knew were the dividing line was (though my grandma’s house about 1/4 mile away was a South address).

To make matters more confusing, there is a completely different North Roberts Road in a neighboring city (well, I guess technically it’s a continuation of the road I live on, but there’s a gap in it which creates the confusion, and for those of us who live here, we consider it a completely different road since it’s technically a different city).

Stay with me, I’m going somewhere with all this. 🙂

Well, the county commission put up new street signs on our corner…that say S Roberts Road. Which drove my mom nuts because it’s NOT S Roberts Road. Calls were made and they tried to explain to the county but the county disagreed for whatever reason (I guess their mapping systems claim it’s South)…so my mom took it upon herself to fix it.


And it doesn’t surprise me at all.

