Owen gets new cars

And Katie got some new bibs but she doesn’t make for a good video!

Thank you, Wendy and Toby!

Of course as soon as I stopped recording…

Wow. These are cool. This is the coolest helicopter ever.

Owen: Mom, the white car and blue car are sad.
Me: Why are they sad?
Owen: The red car won the race.

This helicopter is HEAVY. The cars are light.

Today I was a zen master.

Or maybe I should say a zenpoop master? Or a poopzen master? Whatever you want to call it, I was it.

I was calm.
I was cool.
I was collected.

I promised Owen I wouldn’t yell at him again.
I told him it was okay if he pooped in his underwear (but I’d still like him to try to poop in the potty).
I told him he wouldn’t be in trouble.

You see, in talking about this whole ordeal with my mom friends, I came to the conclusion that the Miralax might actually be making it harder (in a sense) for him to poop successfully—since if it was making the stool too soft, he might not realize he had to poop and then OOPS before you know it, it’s there. And if he really isn’t able to control it, then OHMYGOD do I feel guilty about getting mad at him, you know? As a friend pointed out, he’s still learning what it takes to poop—especially since it’s different than pooping in a diaper, we’re guessing he had constipation and possibly pain issues, and now with the drugs it’s a different feeling/experience yet! Ugh, talk about mom guilt. 😥

Hence the zen master.

Luckily it was a pretty easy day so I wasn’t REALLY tested…but we still went through (I think) five pair of underwear. But there were no HUGE disasters, which I think can be attributed to A) him pooping quite a bit over the past two days and B) decreasing the Miralax dose (I’m hoping to hit on the magic amount that will make pooping easier but not create a holy mess).

Please keep your fingers crossed.

Garth Brooks Rocks!

Through a bizarre set of circumstances, I ended up flying to Nashville to attend a Garth Brooks charity concert.

And wow. Just…wow.

He was AMAZING. A. MA. ZING. He did a 2-hour show which included (I think) three or four encores.

It was an awesome experience. Especially since I haven’t gone to many concerts in my time… But to hear ~16,000 people singing every word to every song just blew me away. And his energy? Holy crap. I was exhausted just standing, singing, screaming, and applauding for two hours…he had to be dead. But he just kept going and going and going. As I said in my Facebook post, he was “balls to the wall for two straight hours.”

It was just pure awesome, and I am very thankful to how everything worked out in a matter of hours…and how things all came together in the end!

  1. Seeing Garth on Oprah and thinking how I’d love to see his acoustic concert in Vegas.
  2. Me tweeting that if anyone wanted to know what to get me for Christmas, it was “Garth Brooks Vegas.”
  3. A friend of mine from Alabama, Jen, posted a reply that she had an extra ticket for one of his Nashville shows if I wanted to fly down.
  4. My dad and stepmom were planning on being here anyway on that date, so they would be able to babysit (Tom had to work).
  5. Tom agreed I could spend the money—Merry Christmas to me!
  6. A week later I tweeted that I arrived in Nashville—and my friend who lives in Nashville (Laurie, who I graduated high school with) called me to say “I didn’t know you were coming to see Garth HERE! We have to get together!”
  7. My friend with the extra ticket had another extra ticket for MY friend…so we all went together!

Everything was apparently meant to be. And I am a very, VERY happy woman!

Facebook Updates

  • Jennifer Hudson thinks 6am is too early, no matter what time you went to bed. Ugh.
  • Jennifer Hudson is really enjoying Kathy Griffin’s autobiography, my current guilty pleasure.
  • Jennifer Hudson is drinking wine and listening to Christmas music.
  • Jennifer Hudson is hearing zerberts from the crib. The boy is up. 🙂
  • Jennifer Hudson HOLY CRAP! I just learned that my favorite vodka, Ciroc, is from Puff Daddy/P Diddy/Diddy!!
  • Jennifer Hudson just got home to see the USPS lady in my driveway, arranging and sorting things in her truck, apparently oblivious to the fact I was waiting in the middle of the street. I should have opened the garage door and freaked her out. Damn hindsight.
  • Jennifer Hudson just figured out my average MPG for the past few months is 13. THIRTEEN. It’s a good thing hubby’s car gets 40+.
  • Jennifer Hudson just scheduled the H1N1 vaccine for the boy this afternoon.
  • Jennifer Hudson has been craving a tuna sandwich, so I finally made one today and wasn’t thrilled. Either I forgot how to make a tuna sandwich, or I’m not a fan of solid white albacore tuna.
  • Jennifer Hudson in enjoying a post-nap cuddly boy, snuggling and watching Sesame Street.
  • Jennifer Hudson just bought Owen’s Christmas presents, even though I said we didn’t need to get him anything because he won’t really have a clue. Oh, and a birthday present, too. 🙂
  • Jennifer Hudson is thankful every single day that Owen sleeps for at least 12 hours a night.
  • Jennifer Hudson is watching live TV. I know, right?
  • Jennifer Hudson has a thoroughly freaked out dog because we tested the new CO detector. Poor dog.
  • Jennifer Hudson vows no more Costco on the weekend until after the new year. Man, it was busy.
  • Jennifer Hudson just increased our monthly retirement savings by 1%. Baby steps, right? In a few months, maybe we’ll be at 10%. 🙂
  • Jennifer Hudson just had a fun, pre-USMC Birthday Ball drunken chat with Tom Trimble…miss you, bud!
  • Jennifer Hudson is on her way to visit her cousins and introduce Owen to his cousins!
  • Jennifer Hudson is enjoying a bowl of Peanut Butter Captain Crunch, just about the only fun cereal from my youth that still tastes the same.
  • Jennifer Hudson is attempting to fall asleep tonight without the help of drugs.
  • Jennifer Hudson has a stone-free husband! Yay!
  • Jennifer Hudson If you and I woke up in jail together, using ONLY 4 WORDS, what would you say to me? Copy and paste this and see what kind of responses you get.
    1. Jannie—Holy Crap girl WOW
    2. Kelly—Pfft. I’d only need two words: ‘JAIL KNUCKLES!!!’ 🙂
    3. Kelly—Alternate response: ‘who has bail money?’
    4. David—“I shouldn’t drink absinthe.”
    5. Robin—Here are your clothes.
    6. Jennifer—Where’d we leave Steve??
    7. Sue Ann—What happened this time ?
  • Jennifer Hudson apologizes for not updating again. Hubby is home, he refused surgery, so now it’s a waiting game to see if and when it passes on its own.
  • Jennifer Hudson had a so so night and is about to go get my morning smiles from the boy!
  • Jennifer Hudson hates that hubby is in pain and at the hospital, but I am hoping I can get a great night’s sleep in a quiet house.
  • Jennifer Hudson is on her way to the hospital to see hubby.
  • Jennifer Hudson just got hubby’s diagnosis via text: kidney stones. Lovely. He’s drugged up awaiting a cat scan now.
  • Jennifer Hudson wants stronger meds to try and forget about her back pain.
  • Jennifer Hudson just got about $150 worth of Shutterfly products for $60. Gotta love stackable coupons! WOOHOO!
  • Jennifer Hudson is sad that she had to throw away a great pair of shoes because the soles finally gave out and couldn’t be repaired (although the Gorilla Glue got me through the night at the Ball). Of course, they are 8+ years old so can’t be replaced.
  • Jennifer Hudson has the clingiest dog ever today.
  • Jennifer Hudson really, actually, honestly, might NOT get out of her PJs today.
  • Jennifer Hudson is listening to a spanish song on Sesame Street and now has a hankering for mexican food. Hee.
  • Jennifer Hudson is wondering why she can’t find the new episode of Sesame Street that is supposed to start today.
  • Jennifer Hudson is supposed to be sleeping because I am exhausted. But apparently even TWO Tylenol PMs aren’t helping. Sigh.
  • Jennifer Hudson Helmetless face plant with butt in the air. Degree of difficulty: 2.0. Degree of cuteness: 9.9. 🙂

To the Woman Sitting Behind Me


This is a great letter a friend wrote about his recent experience at the theater. We are trying to convince him to write it as a Letter to the Editor! He sent it to the local newspaper blogger and they published it!

To the Woman Sitting Behind Me at Fiddler on the Roof:

Thanks so much for your recent performance. I could tell you are not a professional performer due the fact you were unable to hit the right notes and you didn’t care about pitch or tone. But kudos to you for belting out every song like you were one of the trained, highly skilled and experienced performers up on stage. You didn’t let your lack of traditional talent get in the way! I also liked the way you, at times, sung all the lyrics half a second ahead of the people on stage, obviously to let those around you know that you had, in fact, memorized the lyrics and weren’t just singing along. I caught what you were doing, you sneaky devil, and am in awe of your skill!

I also noticed all the other touches your brought to the performance. It was very helpful that you blurted out the names of each new character that came on stage and let out a spastic little round of applause like an excited 3-year-old at Christmas. I’m glad I didn’t have to wait for the story to unfold as the writer intended. An added bonus was you blurting out the punchlines to the jokes ahead of the actors. Obviously the comedic timing of the actors was off and you corrected it all by speeding it up. Good job! And your enthusiastic clapping along to the music, when no one else in the audience was, really added to the performance. Why would I want to hear the trained orchestra when I could hear that wonderful clapping? I loved that you didn’t choose to clap on the beat, as most people would, but sort of randomly clapped here and there, imitating (in an obviously mocking fashion) people who have no rhythm. What a great interpretation!

Finally, at the end of the performance, I loved the loss of hearing I temporarily enjoyed as you repeatedly shouted, at the the top of your lungs, “Bravo,” and “Topol,” (refering to name of the actor in the lead role) directly into my right ear. Yes, the standing ovation the rest of the theater engaged in seemed like a spit in the face compared to your enthusiastic celebration of the performance.

Your new fan,
Theater Goer

PS: I heard you mention on your way out of the theater that you had tickets to an upcoming performance of Cabaret. I just checked my calendar and it is with great disappointment I must tell your that I will be busy with other engagements during that show’s entire run.

Exhausted, but happy!

So this is what I look like right now, happy but exhausted.

We had Tivo friends Mandy and Tim over for an early dinner (the friends who brought back a car load of baby stuff from our Ohio Tivo Meet last October), so the morning was spent cleaning the house and prepping lasagna…and then visiting for a few hours…and then cleanup and relaxing on the couch playing Lego Indiana Jones on the xbox…and I am EXHAUSTED…but it was a fun day.

Random Blather

I am soooooooooo tired of this heat wave. I swear this is the hottest it’s been since we moved here. Too hot to do anything except quickly rush from A/C to A/C. Tom even says it’s hot, and he was in Iraq (although he does admit Iraq was hotter).

I went to get gas yesterday morning because it was still $3.86 (it had been that for, I swear, two weeks) and I knew it was supposed to be going up this week. So I pull in and there is NO unleaded—just mid-grade and premium. Of course, after work, when they had raised the price 12c, there was unleaded. Bastards.

Why must people try to exit a gas station by making a left turn, in rush hour, at an intersection—when they could just as easily have driven through the parking lot and exited 100 yards farther down where there is much less traffic? Instead, they sit there, blocking the exit for those of us exiting and turning right into traffic (in this case, about 10 cars). So I drove the extra 100 yards and was able to turn directly into the flow of traffic and bypass the jerk who was STILL waiting to turn left.

I love my Tivo peeps. I needed help with something that I just couldn’t figure out so I posted about it—and within 10 minutes they started having answers for me.

On same said board, someone started a thread called “What do you look like today?” and I just love it! Well, everyone loves it, actually! People post pics from their cell phones or webcams or whatnot…and it’s very interesting! After posting about 10 pics myself, I noticed that I look pretty much the same in every one—I just either have curly hair or straight hair—so I said I was going to stop posting, but apparently some of the guys like the cleavage that ends up in some of the pics and have requested that I keep posting. :)) So I posted this one for them today:

Depressing thought of the day: I just happened to login to take a look at our mortgage stuff, and after paying every month for coming-up-on three years, we are just SLIGHTLY under the official selling price. GAH!

I can’t wait for our tomatoes to be ready to harvest! We do have a few jalapeño that are ready to pick, and of course I have been harvesting basil all along, but the tomatoes are what I’m jonesing for. Someday, somewhere, I hope to have a REAL garden!

On another gas note, the Prius has been wonderful! We used to use my car for everything—every run to town, every errand, every road trip—and I had to fill up about once a week. Now that we take the Prius everywhere (and I only drive to/from work), I am only filling up about every 2-3 weeks! 😀 So, we traded paying for gas for paying for a new car. I’d say that was a good trade!

DC Peeps Patio Party


This weekend Tom and I drove to Washington DC for a Tivo Peeps Patio Party! We hadn’t been to any meets in DC and thought this long weekend was the perfect time! It was actually a combination patio party and viewing of the new Indiana Jones movie (and the party was actually called Raiders of the Lost Patio). B)

I left work early Friday so we could hopefully arrive before midnight, and luckily we didn’t hit any traffic (there was a slight worry as we approached the exit for 495 around DC and saw a sign warning us of blocked exits due to an accident—but by the time we got there, it was slow, but not stopped) so YAY! We pulled in about 10:45! Phew!

We visited with our hostess for a bit and then crashed in the basement. In the morning, we helped set up for the party (it was her patio!) and then it was off to Tysons Corner to see the movie! We were hungry, so grabbed a Five Brothers hamburger (was highly recommended to us, and now we highly recommend it to you) and waited for all the other people to arrive! The movie was okay—I would not have chosen to go on my own, but things are always more fun with peeps! Then it was back to the house to start the party!

Girls at the party!
L-R: Me, Alice, Leslie, Claudia, Lori

Tom and I had met about half of the people before, so were enjoying catching up with them—and were thrilled to also meet quite a few new people as they showed up throughout the night! It was a perfect night—the weather was awesome (perfect for jeans and a tee-shirt), the food was DEEEEElicious (I wanted to marry the queso dip), the drinks were cold and neverending (those that tried it LOVED my “grape sac vodka”—a drink I made with the Grape Bon Bon I bought awhile back that they dared me to mix with vodka!), and a great time was had by all! Everyone started to disperse between 11 and midnight, and we were in bed by 1am.

The next morning we were up by 9, and showered/breakfasted/visited and on the road by 11. We stopped at Ikea on the way home just to look and bought a few small things—but the main reason for stopping was to try their infamous Swedish Meatballs for lunch (they were okay, not worth going back again, but glad we tried them once). Then it was the long boring ride home. At least Tom loves driving his car!!

Day 1 – Debarkation

It was a dark and stormy…day. We arrived at the port terminal under rain and thunder storms, hoping against hope that it wasn’t a sign of weather to come. The check-in process could not have gone more smoothly (or quickly) and we were very impressed—we were on the ship within a half hour, wandering somewhat aimlessly in the general direction of our room, taking in all the sights.

The ship is actually decorated quite nicely—everything has a literary theme (Frankenstein’s Lab and Phantom of the Opera, for example). This ship is larger than the ship we were on the last time (Holland America’s Zuiderdam) but there are nice (if somewhat gaudy) color-changing “lite brite”-looking signs all over and it’s fairly easy to navigate…although I still get turned around very easily (it will probably be Monday before I know which way to turn once I get off the elevator!).

Our room is just a bit smaller than the last room we had, but the balcony is a bit more private. The bathroom is nice, albeit smaller than our previous one—and we have a tiny shower instead of a tub/shower combo…but it has a detachable shower head and great water pressure!

We also had two completely unexpected surprises waiting for us (well, yes, I guess surprises are generally unexpected, lol). A box of fresh cookies and a plate of chocolate-covered strawberries and fancy chocolates were gifted to us on debarkation from some of our Tivo friends! (Thanks Amy and Julie & Jason! You guys rock!)

Then it was off for more exploration—we wanted to hit the spa and internet café to take advantage of any debarkation specials they might be offering. Unfortunately, they didn’t have a private spa/hot tub offering like the Zuiderdam had that Tom was hoping for, but he was mildly impressed with the gym facilities (which was a big deal, now that he works out at least an hour a day). I had decided against any massages, since my previous one (a hot stone massage) was less than impressive in my opinion—so instead opted for the $99 Crazy for Hair (or some similarly-named) package that included color, cut, and style! Ironically, I just got my hair cut last week (who knew I would want to get my hair cut on the cruise?) but I desperately wanted the color, as I’ve wanted to get my hair colored for quite some time (I threatened to do it the entire time Tom was gone and never did). I scheduled it for 10am so I could sleep in!

A funny side story. Tom was out on the mezzanine while I was in making my spa appointment. It took forever (of course, when I decided to make my reservation, there were about six people in front of me who all wanted like four spa treatments) so he was out there for probably 20 minutes. When I finished, he said one of the spa girls had come up to him and asked what he did for a living. He replied that he was an officer in the Marine Corps and she pumped her hand and said “YES! I WIN!” and then went back to tell her friends that she had been correct. He was flattered.

Then it was off to the internet café where we about choked on the prices—although if you bought a package that day, you also got extra minutes, plus were entered into a contest to win 500 minutes…so we’re keeping our fingers crossed. I hated to spend the money, but that cost plus my salon visit totaled about the same as the stupid hot stone massage the last time so all is well.

Then it was time for the life boat muster—the only necessary evil of cruising. It’s not really that bad, but it just seems like such a fustercluck because people don’t really know where to go, people are freaked out they are in the wrong spot, they are worried they’re not doing something right, and many are late in arriving. Ugh. Here we are as disgruntled yet still happy muster attendees:

Of course, to top it all off, it’s hot and muggy and you look like an idiot in the live vest. But then again, everyone looks like an idiot, lol, so we’re all in good company. After that 45 minutes was over (the actual drill takes 15 minutes, but with all the waiting, it was near 45 minutes) we headed back to the room and unpacked a bit since our luggage had already arrived.

Then it was time for a quick freshening up before heading off to the bar for our first Meet & Greet with the folks from Cruise Critic (a cruising forum where there are forums for each ship, which is further broken down into threads for each cruise date, so people can post and meet others who will be on the same cruise). We have been chatting with them for a few months, and of course, internet forums and meeting people on them is nothing new for us…but I hadn’t refreshed my memory on who was who or what people looked like, so I didn’t recognize anyone. Everyone, however, pretty much recognized us, lol. It was only slightly overwhelming trying to meet and talk to everyone, but there were a few couples we hit it off with. The funniest part was taking the group picture—they wrangled some Japanese man to take it, but then everyone started putting their cameras down and he ended up with about 15 cameras he had to use! He was a very good sport about it.

We had to cut the meet short in order to go to dinner—since we have the early seating. (We were teased by our Atlanta friends about being old people eating so early, but both of us don’t want to eat a full meal that late—but if we did that, we’d both want to go to sleep right after dinner! With the early seating, we have time to go back to the room or wherever and relax before going out for the evening.) We had prearranged to sit with other Cruise Critic board members—we figured we might as well sit with less random strangers if at all possible! (I still would have enjoyed sitting at a table by ourselves a little bit more, however.) The food was quite good and we enjoyed everything…

We started with a 2006 Piesporter Michelsberg Riesling Spatlese—which looked to be a later version of the same Riesling we had back on our 2005 cruise (I’d have to check the pictures to confirm).

For starters, Tom had Hickory Smoked Alaskan Salmon, Garnished with Purple Onion Rings, Fresh Dill, and Baby Capers. I had Asparagus Veloute, an asparagus cream soup.

Tom had a lettuce wedge salad and I had the Caesar salad.

For our main courses, Tom had Grilled, Aged New York Sirloin Steak with Three Peppercorn Sauce, Broccoli Roses, and Roasted Red Bliss Potato Wedges. I had Pan Seared Fillet of Tilapia, Herb Butter Sauce with Tomato, Stewed Shallots, and Eggplant Mash.

For dessert, Tom had a Black Forest Gateau with Cherries (damn, I thought I got a photo of that menu but I didn’t!) and I had the highly-recommended-by-anyone-who-has-ever-been-on-a-Carnival-cruise Warm Chocolate Melting Cake served with Vanilla Ice Cream.

I do have pictures of everything, so stay tuned for all the photos when I get home.

After dinner we crashed in the room for a bit, and then went down for some alcohol tasting in the shops. The guy was putting on quite a show and it was a riot to stand there and drink a few of his inspired recipe shots (“How about pineapple and coconut rum plus Baileys! How about mango and pineapple and coconut rum? Any suggestions?”)—and the alcohol was SO cheap we ended up buying about 10 bottles of various yummy things. (Lest you think we are alcoholics, those 10 bottles will last us about a year.) We hoped to win the 10pm drawing—your day’s alcohol purchase paid—but we didn’t.

Then we were just walking around and stopped by the Phantom Theatre where we caught the Welcome Aboard show, which was entirely cheesy with singers and dancers and the Carnival mascot. The comedian wasn’t too bad, but we hope the shows get better.

Heading back to the room, we had to pass through the casino. It’s great because there is a non-smoking section and plenty of 5c and 1c machines. I just do it for the fun, not the hopes of some grand monetary winnings, so I have all the fun I need with nickels and pennies! Anyway, I managed to double my money! I turned my $2 worth of nickels into $4!! WOOHOO! I felt kinda bad because I wasted $1 on the quarter slots, but oh well—I still came out ahead and the 20 minutes I was there was plenty for the night.

Then it was back to the room where we crashed and were in bed by midnight—I had to be up early to get to the spa (they called to reschedule me for 8am in order to give me a free foot and ankle massage—YES, PLEASE!) and Tom always gets up early to work out!

Other than the rain storm upon arrival and the resulting humidity wreaking havoc on my just-straightened hair (I went from sleek and shiny to poufy and wavy by dinner), overall it was a great first day!!

New Year’s Weekend in Raleigh


I spent New Years in Raleigh again this year, with the same people we spent it with last year. Of course it really stunk not having Tom there—and everyone REALLY missed him—but I did manage to have a good time! Tom was also able to call at his normal times, so he got to talk to probably 10 different people over the course of the weekend!

One of the first highlights of the trip was finally making it to a Trader Joe’s—if you haven’t heard of it, it’s a very cool grocery store. Andrew was kind enough to tag along and give me his recommendations. I was limited to non-perishable items, so I only spent $50, and when I told Tom, he said “ONLY $50?!” I didn’t have time for a return trip, but I do know that when we make the pilgrimage when he returns, we are taking two coolers. So far, I give thumbs up to the Dark Chocolate Edamame, Buttermilk Garlic Mashed Potato Chips, and some sort of spicy/jalapeno Flatbread that went wonderfully with the horseradish cheese dip. Those things didn’t make it out of Raleigh. The Dark Chocolate Pistachio Toffee gets a major thumbs up and the Asiago Peppercorn bread was okay plain–but much better toasted with a dab of butter and a sprinkle of fresh romano. The sweet potato chips were MEH (I keep thinking I will love them, but they are just okay). On tap (read: not sure if it it will survive until hubby gets home) are Sweet Potato Bisque, Rich Onion Soup, Mint Hot Chocolate, Dark Chocolate Covered Mints, Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Filled Pretzels, Piccata Simmering Sauce, and Wasabi & Tamari Almonds. Sorry to blab so much about food, but you KNOW how I am about great grocery stores!!

A second highlight was our “high end dinner” Saturday night at Nana’s—a five course chef’s tasting menu with wine pairings. I knew I wouldn’t be thrilled with the wine, but I wanted to try it. Needless to say I would do the chef’s tasting again in a heartbeat, but would skip the wine completely. The interesting thing was that just reading the menu wasn’t that appealing to me—foie gras, escargot, root vegetables, grouper, cabbage, etc… But OH MY GOD was everything DELICIOUS! Aside from the venison dish, I actually think my favorite was the cold foie gras appetizer! Who would have ever guessed? (If you want to skip right to those photos, click here.)

We had a great dinner at Brasa, a Brazilian Steakhouse that serves you meat on a stick (so very YUMMILICIOUS with just as yummilicious waiters), another fun putt putt outing at Frankie’s (I had two holes in one and still only won by the skin of my teeth!), and a fun girls-only expedition to some, ahem, adult stores for some belated Christmas presents and some Welcome Home gifts. :>

The actual New Years Eve party wasn’t quite as crazy this year, as we only had about 30 people as compared to the 60 last year, but we still had a ball! I managed to stay sober this year, so was able to drive us all home when the party finally broke up about 1am.

Of course, checkout and the goodbye breakfast came too soon—no one ever wants to have to leave! And we’re already all talking about NEXT New Year’s Eve!

Charleston, SC, with the peeps!


I drove to Charleston, SC, to spend the weekend with the peeps! Who are the peeps, you ask? They are the same group of people we spent New Year’s Eve with in Raleigh.

One of the girls was having a surprise 30th birthday party for her husband, and invited us all down for a long weekend…and since it was close enough for me to drive, I just had to go! I took Friday off so I could get there with some time to decompress from the drive (I hate driving, especially when I don’t really know where I’m going, and I knew I would arrive with a headache). I had about an hour to relax at the hotel before my roommate showed up and we ordered chinese/thai for dinner since we weren’t in the mood for pizza. After we ate, we headed to the host’s house for some Wiiiiiii and visiting (and some banana coladas—yummilicious, Eddy!). The schedules were a little off on Saturday due to unforseen circumstances, so we hit the beach for a few hours and had some great food at a place called The Mustard Seed, topping off the night back at the host’s house.

The plan for Sunday was brunch, then a fun park for mini golf and go-karting, Pirates of the Carribean 3, and then the “Memorial Day BBQ” (a.k.a. surprise party). I begged out of the movie to “visit with the girls” and helped get everything set up and ready for the party! He was surprised, so that was good!

The best part about the weekend—aside from meeting Eddy!—was Tom texting me at midnight on Sunday to tell me that his leave dates were changed and he is going to be able to go to Orlando to the Tivo Con with me! (The Con is another huge party/meeting with this same group of people—although usually there are 50+ attendees.) Originally, he was going to be leaving for Iraq the same day I was leaving for Orlando—but after some haggling with fellow marines, he was able to push his leave back!! Of course, everyone was THRILLED, because they can’t wait to see him again—and they know how excited I am about him being able to be there!! When I told them, they all cheered!!

Monday morning was just a quick breakfast with my roommate before heading home. She let me borrow her Garmin Nuvi GPS for the ride home—lots of people in our group have them, and are ESSENTIAL when driving around at out-of-town meets—and Tom and I have been jonesing for one, but I didn’t think they were really that useful or cool because I hadn’t really paid close attention to them. So, Tammy let me borrow hers (she also has one in her car) to see if I really liked it or thought we could use it. And I have to say it really is very cool, but we probably won’t need one until we move somewhere larger where we know nothing about the area…or, if we end up doing more travelling here. It really is SO much easier and less hassle than having printed maps. (One of the best things? If you miss a turn, it will automatically reroute you to get you back on track!)

So, it was a very nice weekend…and it was nice to get out of town, even if it meant I have to make up 8 hours of work (remember, I used all my 2007 vacation to come home at Christmas) and even if I had to drive through Myrtle Beach (yuck). The peeps are always worth it!!

Welcome to Dallas!


This past weekend I was off to Dallas, Texas, for a birthday party!

The strange part is whose birthday it was—someone I had never even met! It was the mother of one of my new Tivo friends, and it was a surprise 50th party!

To be completely honest, I was actually going more for the abundance of other Tivo peeps that were going to be there—ones I hadn’t met yet, since there is a LARGE Texas contingent that don’t often make it to the east coast meets.

I was picked up at the airport by a new (CJ)) and old (Jeff) friend, where it was off to a yummy Thai lunch. Then it was off to a gaming place where we met up with a bunch of others to hang out, chat, and play games. (While I was there, our friends from home who were watching Maggie, called to say that our garage door keypad died so he couldn’t get Maggie right away—he had to go to the store for batteries!)

Then it was back to the hotel to rest and relax a bit before dinner—everyone was splitting into smaller groups for different restaurants, and our group was going to a mexican place—which was perfect since it was Cinco de Mayo! I was sharing a room with Jennifer, who I had never met. Luckily we got along SMASHINGLY!

The next day was lunch at Mia’s where I was [easily] coerced into trying their famous Brisket Tacos. OMG. TO DIE FOR. Then it was back to the hotel where Jen and I offered our room as Party Central—for peeps to gather and drink between party events (basically to drink cheap drinks instead of paying bar prices) and then watch the Kentucky Derby (complete with mint juleps, courtesy of Jeff #2, aka Smeek, our resident foodie). Here I am with two of the cute boys in attendance, David and Scott. ;D

Then it was time for the birthday party downstairs! During the latter hours of the party, it was off to the Pudding Shack—or, technically, OUR ROOM. :>> You see, a local peep is famous for banana pudding, and since we were all staying at the hotel, they needed a place to keep it cold…so we kept the Party Central and turned in into the Pudding Shack, since the pudding ended up in our tub:

Sunday morning it was time for people to start leaving—the worst part of any meet weekend. Those of us with later flights went to a game park and played mini golf (I beat the guys, YAY!) and rode go-karts.

My weekend in DC


So it has been pointed out to me that I didn’t explain why I was going to Washington, DC. So…I was going for a bachelorette party for one of the girls I met at the New Year’s Eve shindig in Raleigh. There were to be nine of us in attendance, all of whom I met at the NYE thing. It was a way for me to get out of the house, spend some quality time with some good (new) friends, and have some fun. Except, as you have already read, I wasn’t having much fun prepping to go.

And I have to say that my craptastic luck continued on the trip to DC.

Well, first, the drive down wasn’t bad at all—pretty much a straight shot out 24 then 40 and it took a hair less than two hours. I spent the night there with friends (the people who hosted the NYE party) and they were taking me to the train station in the morning (about a mile from their house). We ate breakfast out in the morning and it was cool.

So I get dropped off at the station at about 10am—the train was due to leave at 10:43. So tick tock, time passes, I chat with another guy whose first trip it was on the train—and as 10:43 approaches, we all go out to wait for the train. (This station is basically a whistle stop—no ticket counter or even a ticket machine and about 10 chairs in the waiting room—it’s in the same building as the DMV!) By the time I got out there, the one guy (whose brother and dad were already on the train) said his brother just called and said they were running late because—are you ready for this—the train hit a car! So they were stopped filling out paperwork and all that jazz (apparently no one was hurt, otherwise surely the trip would have been cancelled).

So by the time the train gets there to pick us up, it’s after noon. But, we figure, not a huge deal, as we’re really only 1.5 hours late. (I wasn’t too worried because our Friday night dinner was planned for 8, so arriving at 6 still gave me plenty of time to get picked up, change, and get to the restaurant.) However, being even that little bit late threw us completely off schedule, which meant we had to stop along the way (I think three times) in order to let the freight trains pass us (single track, they have precedence). Each time, we were stopped for anywhere from 15-45 minutes. So, our little 1.5 hour delay turned into…FOUR HOURS LATE!!! 88|

So I had obviously had missed my ride from the train station (I had been texting everyone with updates) and they told me not to freak out (they knew I was paranoid about traveling around DC) and that the best thing was just to grab a cab to the restaurant…so $20 later, it was almost 9:30 by the time I cabbed it to Benihana. I was a tired puppy, let me tell you. (And so much for worrying about what to pack—I went to dinner in my travel clothes. Of course no one cared, but still.) They had ordered me dinner, so I did have some food as soon as I walked in, but I missed the soup and salad…and the old waitress sucked so bad I didn’t even think about trying to order some sushi—it was all I could do to get a refill on my water.

So, aside from that MAJOR SNAFU, the weekend ended up to be quite fun. We had security knock on the door at 12:30am telling us to quiet down, we had fun shopping at Pentagon City Mall (is that the name?), trying on bras, and eating lunch at Nordstom’s:

…I had a delicious Chocolixir drink at Godiva (thanks, AmyJo), and we had the best Indian meal ever (okay, it was my first Indian meal ever, but it was soooooooooooo good!).

The only bad thing, really, about the whole weekend, was the money situation. I knew ahead of time that we’d be splitting the bills to make things easy—especially since we were all paying for the bride’s meals and drinks (which I had NO problem with)—but in my opinion it ended up VERY lopsided on my part and it was a little hard to stomach. Meaning…my $20 chicken dinner that they ordered for me at Benihana cost me $50 (everyone else ordered lobster, scallops, filet, sake, wine, etc.) so when the bill was split evenly between 12 people, that was my share. 88| And the same thing happened for our Indian dinner—I had a $20 dinner, plus maybe $10 or so for the appetizers, plus I had a half glass of the $35 wine—and my share was $70 (because “the rest of the table” shared two bottles of $45 red wine). 88| 88| That said, I totally don’t mind splitting the bill or paying for the bride—and I agree about not quibbling about $2 here or “I only had 1/3 of that bottle of wine” there….but knowing I was WAY overpaying hurt my pocketbook (I just know that if I ordered something way more expensive, I would definitely chip in a little more). Anyway, I know it will all even out over the course of my lifetime, but it certainly was a big (BIG!) surprise for those meals! By the end of the weekend, I only had $13 cash left.

But I digress… I don’t mean to be whiny about it…it was just something so out of my normal realm of daily life that it really threw me for a loop. And I am not one to make waves (me? confrontational? never!), so I would never think of saying anything (although, I did ask about how much the wine was).

The train ride home was fairly uneventful. And by that I mean we didn’t hit a car. :>> But we did manage to get off schedule (got in 30 minutes late) and I hadn’t locked my ipod in the OFF position…so I only had about an hour’s worth of charge left (when I thought I would have at least four). And I was dead tired but couldn’t sleep. So, I’m thinking even though I hate driving and I don’t want to drive to/through DC…the next trip? I think I’m driving. 😀

So, overall, I’m glad I went. I love love (LOVE!) the girls I was hanging out with—if I could, I would be hanging out with them on a weekly basis (too bad they’re not closer!). BUT, I wouldn’t be clamoring to do the same weekend again anytime soon. Meaning…visit and hang out with the girls, yes. In a New York Minute. But to do all the expensive stuff again…splitting meals completely evenly? I’d have to think about it, then would probably have to say no—only agreeing if we split the bills more fairly.

My new friends are awesome.

So, I know I never talked about our New Year’s Eve that we spent in Raleigh with the group of friends I had met online (but had never met in person). Now so much time has passed that it seems silly to go back and write about it, so suffice it to say the weekend was probably in our top five weekends of all time! (Tom even agrees with me—he had that much fun! I think he was 100% surprised at how good a time he had.) We got along smashingly with everyone, had an absolute BLAST, and made some great new friends that we can’t wait to see more of.

That said, it was a great thing to do right before Tom left, as they all got to meet him and are now really excited about sending him (and his entire unit) packages. So far, we have about 35 volunteers (of which we have actually only met about 20) and they are COMPLETELY excited about it. There’s even an Excel spreadsheet involved in the planning!

In addition to that, they are all EXTREMELY supportive. I have had numerous offers to call anytime, night or day, home or work, etc. Of course, I am not big on calling people, but I know the offer is there and it means a lot. (I know my friends and family have offered that as well, but to have people I met for one weekend offer that? It really touches my heart.) I may even take some of them up on it sooner or later, you never know…

So, imagine my surprise when Thursday evening—the day Tom left—I got a phone call from one of them. He knew I said I wouldn’t want to talk to anyone, but he called anyway because he wanted to cheer me up. He kept me on the phone for over an hour, telling me great stories (about his life in general and stories about people I’d met) and keeping me laughing. Tonight, another one called…just to say hey and to let me know she was serious—I could call her (or her hubby) at any time, day or night, just to say hey or vent or whatever.

So, now, in addition to the great friends I have here locally, I also have great friends across the country. 😀


I don’t even know where to start…so I will say that this past weekend had to be one of the best weekends of my life. Seriously. We both had so much fun it was crazy. (This morning wasn’t too fun…but at this point, I’m still recuperating…but it was well worth it.)

So, what happened this past weekend that was so great? RRNYE, that’s what!! And what exactly was RRNYE? A huge group of people I’ve “met” online that were all meeting in Raleigh for a big NYE bash (Rockin’ Raleigh New Year’s Eve)! People came from all across the country and we just had a complete blast!

To start, I was completely nervous about meeting everyone, and welcomed the chance to pick up someone at the airport, so I would have at least met one person in a calm setting! I recognized her immediately, and the meeting went well.

That said, walking into the bowling alley (the first meeting spot) was an entirely overwhelming (wait, OVERWHELMING) experience. Us three walked in, and immediately all heads turned toward us, then all I saw was a mass of people moving towards us in one big rush. There were introductions and hugs and I was trying to place names to faces and trying to remember to introduce Tom, as well.

At dinner that night (we broke off into groups and went to different places—we were dining on Italian), I was still feeling a bit overwhelmed, but it got easier. It took probably an hour or so before I finally started talking and being more myself. By the time the group lunch and trip to the fun park rolled around (mini golf, go karts, etc.) the next afternoon, we were having a great time and felt way more at ease! I even took a spin on the go-karts, which I haven’t done in probably 15 years!

By the big party, with more than a few drinks in me :)) it felt like I’d known everyone forever and we were having a blast! Everyone made me feel very welcome and I think Tom was surprised at how much fun he had with everyone. The food was great, I had a fun time being a bartender (with another girl who actually was a bartender in a past life), and we had a great White Elephant gift exchange, in which I ended up with a Christmas ornament (perfect!).

The funniest thing, I think, is how many people expressed their hesitance/reservations in meeting me. I’m not quite sure what they expected, but needless to say they were a bit unsure about me. But, apparently, from everything everyone told me (and what I heard from others), I fit right in and they needn’t have worried about me! Anyway, hearing that people’s worries were unfounded and that people actually liked me…well, that made me feel good, because of course I was sorta scared about the whole thing anyway.

The only bad thing was that we didn’t get to say goodbye to people! We sort of rushed out of the party because I wasn’t feeling well (too much to drink!) and honestly it was sort of a blur…and I was thinking we’d get to see them in the morning…but, alas, I was definitely NOT in any shape to go to the planned brunch, and Tom wasn’t much better.

Now, we can’t wait to go to more meets—we loved everyone and can’t wait to spend more time with them!

A Successful Santa Stalking!

An online board that I belong to did Secret Santas again this year, and I decided to participate since I actually have become move involved with the board since last Christmas. There was a whopping 115 people participating—including quite a few I didn’t really know—so chances were I’d have to do some “stalking” to do to find [what I hoped] was the perfect gift. (Now, by stalking, I mean researching past posts that person had written, seeing what their interests were, and deciding on a gift.) And on a board that is heavily participated in with subjects of all varieties, this could have been a very lengthy process indeed.

So everyone was excited and counting down the days until the names were drawn! I got someone I didn’t really know, but someone who I had at least heard of and posted semi-frequently! And the stalking began! And as luck would have it, I found a great hint within the first 10 minutes of searching! I kept stalking, however, in the hopes I would find something better, but it never happened—and I thought “Why waste any more time on this when I already have a great gift idea?!”

What was it, you ask? What was the perfect gift? Well, it was pre-Thanksgiving time and there had been a few posts about casseroles—actually, I had started one asking something about the typical green bean casserole…and then due to that thread, someone else started a thread about casseroles in general…to which my person had replied, simply:

Yum! Not only do I like eating them, I like making them.

And from that simple comment, it was off to Amazon! As I tried to decide which of the numerous casserole cookbooks to purchase, it turned out my additional stalking had come in handy—from his comments on Riedel wine glasses, new granite countertops, and a recent visit to a trendy and expensive restaurant, I gathered he had a sense of refinement about him…so I went with the Cook’s Illustrated cookbook Cover & Bake (which I then proceeded to put on my own wishlist!) and a 4-qt Pyrex casserole dish!!

We’re not supposed to open our gifts until December 22, but apparently he has about as much willpower as I do sometimes, and he already opened them and emailed me to thank me—and tell me I did an excellent job stalking!!


Now I just have to wait to receive my gift….and wonder what my Secret Santa is learning about me from stalking!

Hot Cranky People


So since I’m currently banned from my favorite online community for another 10 days or so, I’ve been asking people on another board to give me their sites and/or blogs so I have something to read during the day. (Before you ask about work, let me just say it’s REALLY dead right now. Besides the fact that this time of year is notoriously slow, we also only have four actual active listings and probably 20 closings—which is a far cry less than we’d normally have.) So there have been quite a few submissions, but my most favorite has to be Hot Cranky People by sallypnut. I love her writing style, her sense of humor, the quantity and hilarity of pictures—and to top it all off? She’s a cat person! Whoohoo! Her blog is what I wish mine could be. (If you go visit her site, please don’t tell me how much her site rocks as compared to how much mine sucks. Thanks.)

General Updates

Luckily, he’s been able to call pretty much every day—or at least every other day—even when he’s supposedly going to be incommunicado. This is a huge relief to me, as I am becoming more and more paranoid as time goes on. (You’d think I’d be more used to it after three months, but it just gets worse!) So, I treasure each second of a phone call—which, sometimes that’s all it is…mere seconds—as we frequently lose satellite connection!

Also, I just wanted to let you all know that Tom has been inundated with care packages!! He loves it, as do ALL his fellow marines that he inevitably ends up sharing the goodies with! The holiday season slowed down the mail tremendously…Tom still hasn’t received his Christmas package I sent the first week of December! Granted, it takes a while longer now that he’s “away from home” but be assured he will eventually receive all the packages! (Our neighbor, who has been home for two months, just received a package which his wife sent back in August! It never made it to him in Africa, but was returned to sender!) Also, please know that even if Tom has received your package, he may not have the time to email you to let you know—he tries to keep me in the loop, but it’s all he can do to email me updates on him! If you want me to ask him about something specific, email me and let me know and I’ll try to remember to ask him!