Amazing Christmas ornament craft!

I’m so excited about the Christmas ornament project I finally finished today (with moral support from Anna)!


I think I saw this on Facebook.

I wanted to do this because we have soooo many ornaments that we don’t always get to use but I miss seeing. And I didn’t want a wreath because I had lots of big ornaments that wouldn’t have fit well around a wreath. (I used a deep mirrored tray.)

So the ornaments range from things I grew up with on my parent’s tree to handmade ornaments from both grandmas to mementos from family and vacations to favorite TV shows and hobbies and favorite things…and more!

It only took about two hours!

I am soooo thrilled with how it turned out!

BrickFest was a dud.

We’ve been to a BrickFest before in Virginia and it was AMAZING. So we were excited to go again… Except this one was a complete dud compared to that. Super SUPER disappointing.

There were basically NO displays—the previous one had city blocks, automation (think roller coaster), big things, little things, selfie stations…

This one had some giant creations:

and a very small area of smaller creations like this:

but that was about it. Most of it was lame (for older kids) stuff like “make and race a Lego car”

or “create a glow in the dark Lego” (which Owen did to at least do something).

The kids also did one square of a bigger design—which we would never see.

But man did the store and checkout lines take up a ton of space (conservatively 1/4 of the venue):

This was the best part for me—a local artist who did lilacs. I’m going to need that ASAP.

What was even more disappointing is that we were supposed to go with Anna and family—but long story short they got there after us and got stuck in a huge line and then we discovered it sucked so they just gave up and never made it in.

After we got home I decided to look up the last one we went to…and discovered it wasn’t BrickFest, but was BrickFair. UGHHHHH.

The 12 Challenge

I really got back into reading this year after about 20 years of NOT reading. (I aimed for 12 on the #goodreadschallenge2022 and am likely finishing with 80!)

I very much enjoyed reading my friend suggestions when I did The Trevor Project fundraiser this year so when I saw this challenge come across my timeline I knew I wanted to do it in the new year!

I took the first 12 books listed by 12 different people in the comments. I can’t wait to get started! #goodreadschallenge2023

Christmas at the Shanty

We were looking forward to great food at the Shanty Christmas party…but long story short we were idiots and didn’t realize that “passed plates” meant hors d’oeuvres and not family style so we were all bummed. The things we had were decent, but not worth the wait or the cost. At least we got to meet up with a friend of ours for a little bit.

Let Christmas begin!

Anna, David, and the kids came over to stay with us for a few days! The impetus was a huge storm that was supposedly coming (the kids’ last half day of school was preemptively cancelled because of it) but also because we generally spend a lot of time together so why not just stay in the same house?!

Of course, Anna brought one of Kai’s old sweaters for Olive… But he got dressed up as well.

Career exploration at the Shedd Aquarium

After some initial super frustrating snafus with actually getting everyone INTO the aquarium, the three boys (and three parents) took a “deep dive into the day of an aquarist—the animal care staff that work with animals ranging from fishes to reptiles to birds—and learned more about this profession.” They all seemed to have fun!

Trick or Treating

Owen didn’t decide until the day before that he wanted to go trick or treating so his choice of costumes was limited… I didn’t even get a picture of Katie because so much was going on.

Olive loved everyone! She would wait patiently and wouldn’t bark or go crazy.

But she loved the attention.

Of course, Katie refused to wear her wig at the last minute, so Tom put it on instead. It looked epic.

And he and Anna made a cute couple.

This is what dogsitting looks like.

Anna and David went to New York so we got their two dogs—Olive’s bestie, Honey, and Kai. Unfortunately you can’t hear Kai barking like an asshole at everything—we had to keep the front door shut or he barked like a madman at every little thing. He even nosed the side curtains out of the way in order to look and bark. And all his barking made both other dogs bark. Good times! At least Olive was kept busy playing with Honey… Honey is so good with her.