I love Christmas but it’s overwhelming this year.

Where Tom deposited everything.

I love decorating for Christmas but the first year in a new place is always hardest because you don’t already know where everything goes and it takes longer to figure everything out.

Which wall do these kid Christmas paintings go on? Or do they lean on a shelf? Or do we not put them up this year?

What wreath fits on the door? Oh, this hanger won’t work but we can’t find the magnet. And that wreath is too thick for the storm door so where could it go instead?

And oh wait. We don’t really have a mantle like we’ve always had so my favorite mantle clips (that I bought new last year) TOTALLY won’t work.

And we don’t have spindles on our stairwell so no garland like I love. So how and where do we divvy up the four strands? Well we can put these here but we need to add another so now we have one left. If we put it there we need another (which means a trip to Costco and $30). Keep thinking.

And on and on. So after I unpacked some things…I had a glass of wine.

Before and after, two trees.

We have plenty of room for TWO trees this year…so you can bet your butt I’m doing it!! A friend knew we didn’t have an artificial tree anymore so found one for me and then I snagged one from Amazon Vine!

This tree definitely needs zhuzhing.

I had my doubts but love how this tree turned out! My friend Britt helped me design it using a bunch of random fake berries, branches, pinecones, etc. that I had originally intended for topiary-type decorations—along with a specific selection of color-matching ornaments from our collection.

Buuuuuuut it’s just a bit small for the room (YOU THINK?!) so we are hoping to find at least a 9′ tree, if not maybe a 12′ tree on clearance after Christmas. I finally have the space for a huge tree (my bucket list!) so I’m gonna do it.

Tree number two was planned to be the more kid-friendly tree with all of our fun ornaments and crazy lights. It’s definitely not the best fake tree but once you get it zhuzhed with lights and ornaments it’s fine.

It’s hard to get a decent daylight pic since it’s in front of the bright window.

The lights are actually insane LED lights with like 12 colors that chase and flash and race and it can be quite anxiety-inducing. The kids love it (and it is cool) but when I get to pick it’s a calm purple.

Guess which one I really want?

Remember we don’t have a tree anymore—last year we got a real tree because we didn’t want to get a new artificial tree until we saw the house where we’d be using it.

My dream would be to have the 14′ tree because our living room can definitely hold it…but $900?! Also, that would limit the tree to that room only. So realistically I’d want the 9′ tree so it could go in either the living room or the front room. Tom doesn’t want either because he wants real trees but those are easily $85-100 a year. So we’ll see.

I was today years old when I learned…

You aren’t supposed to burn your Christmas tree in the fireplace. Whoopsie.

I posted this pic and caption on Facebook:

When it’s time to take the tree down but you don’t want a trail of needles through the house and you love a good fire. 🎄🔥

Two friends immediately posted that was NOT A GOOD THING, but I didn’t see it because I was offline watching a movie with the fam. Then a friend called me to tell me about it. We were being careful, but we did stop burning it.

Clearance thrills! Life hack!

I love the thrill of finding something I want or need on clearance… Honestly it gives me a little endorphin rush!! So post-holiday shopping is FUN! I also love life hacks that are actually, you know, USEFUL, so here’s a twofer:

I didn’t need any 🎄Christmas🎄 wrapping paper but ✨gold stripes✨ can be used for absolutely any occasion. 💥 BAM! 💥 Wrapping paper for the year for under $5! You’re welcome!

Gramma’s pics from Christmas in Grayling.

I forgot my mom gave me her pics so now they’re out of order. But all these were from our trip.

Owen gave us a saxophone performance.

And some silliness…

Katie decided to go barefoot in the snow like cousin Anna did one year.

Owen in two of his presents.

The family picture.

Katie was being kinda a stinker and left this sad note for Santa.

Bitmoji iPad tech support

So the iPad lessons have been continuing and tonight I was helping Mom setup Snapchat and Bitmoji because she wanted a fun Bitmoji.

We were having fun when Katie came in and wanted to help. It was funny. Gramma Jean was looking at the type of body to use and said “OH NO! I have to use the last one (plump)” and Katie spread her arms to the Heavens and said “No, make yourself skinny!” So damn cute. Mom and I laughed and laughed.

Here’s the first Bitmoji she published to Facebook!

Gramma is funny.

So I’d say my mom is somewhat computer literate but she hasn’t jumped into iOS at all (to give you an idea, they have a TracFone).

But this year she got her first iPad for Christmas from us kids…and I’ve been giving her small lessons. It’s a totally new experience for her but she’s doing well–I’ve been using iOS since 2009 so sometimes I forget how overwhelming it can all be.

So tonight a bunch of us were talking and she was standing by me when she took a photo and she asked if I wanted it so I told her to Airdrop it to me (something I taught her last night) and without hesitation she dropped the iPad into my lap.

The room never laughed so hard. #scoreoneformom #micdrop

Christmas Charlie

Since we aren’t going to be here on Christmas morning and I didn’t want to haul all the presents to Grayling, we had our family Christmas this morning. The kids were absolutely thrilled with their four gifts (something they want, something they need, something to wear, something to read—plus I added a STEM gift)… but the best pictures I got were of Charlie and her new catnip house and in Owen’s game box. 😂

Our first real tree…ever.

Our first real tree since we’ve been together…and supporting the scouts! I really wanted a huge tree but we have very limited space for one. Also? There’s no way it was going in my new car—the days of hauling messy crap is over. 😂

We got rid of our fake tree last year because I was just tired of it…so we got a real tree this year! The plan was to get a fake tree in the after-Christmas clearance sales, but we might wait another year or two to see what house we have next. If we happen to get a house that will fit a 12′ tree…well, then I want a 12′ tree. 🙂 So this is the first time we have EVER had a real tree! (Note: the bummer? It doesn’t smell AT ALL.)

I didn’t expect this conversation this morning.

Well I certainly didn’t expect my morning with Owen to include the reveal that Santa is not real. 😳😢💔

I’ve known it’s been coming for a while and I’ve managed to keep pushing it off…and although you know the day will come and you can kind of prepare yourself for it…you are never really ready and I’m sure I didn’t handle it as well as I could have.

I did go over some major points that I had ready (Santa is the spirit of Christmas, he can be a Santa now, etc.) but he wasn’t having ANY of it and he was PISSED. 😭 There were a few tears and throwing things…and saying we lied to him for 10 years and he’s a stupid kid for believing us and that he was disappointed in us. 😭 (P.S. The Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy were included in this bargain of a conversation as well.)

I then had to talk him down from wanting to tell everyone (including Katie) and thankfully 45 minutes later by the time he left for school he was laughing about it and excited about being a Santa this year.

(The best news is that after school he seemed to be really okay and was even shopping for secret Santa gifts for Katie when we were out running errands that night (without her).)

But still, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be over here crying in my margarita because my kid is really growing up and I hate to think about it. And I’ll also be silently cursing the mean kids who ruined it for Owen (apparently) last year. 🤬

Family traditions…and cooties!


This is the extra blog post I mentioned earlier.

One thing I love about our family is our traditions. Today we’ve spent the day together celebrating Christmas in July—something we started about six years ago when we got tired of the hustle and bustle during December.

  • We eat lots of food (Aunt Marilyn always brings german potato salad, Lisa T brings a corn salad, Lori brings taco salad, Aunt Marge brings shrimp and pizza lasagna, and there’s lots of grilling of brats, burgers and ribs—we all have meat sweats by late afternoon since we just can’t stop eating).
  • We do a white elephant gift exchange—and without fail, one of the women somehow ends up with a tool and ends up just giving it away after trading is over.
  • We take a family photo—and everyone gives my mom grief—but because of her, we have family photos dating back a loooong time. And I take a cousin photo.
  • Depending on the location, there’s a fishing contest or turtle races or both, there are lawn games, sometimes there are fireworks and a campfire and s’mores.
  • There’s always cards (euchre, of course, since we’re midwest people).
  • And eventually a game of Cooties breaks out and we relive the best stories from the glory days when we all played Cooties for a week when we camped together (Greg was a master from a young age, and today he proved he still has it).

So we all got to wondering…is our family the only one that plays Cooties? Do you have any idea what Cooties even is? I asked on Facebook and predicted 90% would have no idea, and I was dead on. If you don’t count the people directly associated with our family, 91% of the people didn’t know what I was talking about…and most of them thought I was talking about the box game Cootie. (To be honest, I totally forgot the box game was even a thing when I initially posted!!)

cootie game

So what IS our cooties? I went to Google to see if I could find a succinct definition and I really couldn’t find anything. What? Google failed me? Eventually I found this, which is the basis of our game:

It’s an infection tag game, whereby one person has the cooties and must try to pass it on to someone else. You can’t get the cooties if your fingers are crossed. So if you are the one with cooties, you must catch someone who isn’t paying attention (hence my fingers crossed in the photo). There are lots of good stories, but the best one (and is the aforementioned one with my cousin Greg), is as follows.

We were all packing up and rolling out after a week of camping (pretty sure it was the annual trip to Harrisville). I don’t know how old I was, but it was before my parents divorced, so it was before 4th grade—I’d guess I was maybe 7 or 8? We were in the Oldsmobile ’88 pulling our popup camper, slowly driving out towards the campground exit when we see Greg (who is 4 years older than me, so right about pre-teen) FLAT OUT RUNNING towards us waving his arms crazily. Of course we stopped, assuming we had forgotten something or there was some other emergency (he had cut through the woods to get to us). My mom rolled down her window (was it my mom? how is this part hazy?) and Greg came right up to the car, reached out, and smacked her arm while yelling COOTIES! And there was much laughter on his part and much confusion and damnation on our part!! We had been sooooo close to escaping! And obviously cooties were the last thing on our minds. Well played, Greg, well played. The fact that we’re still talking about it almost 40 years later really says something.

Len Christmas in July, Year 6

I’m not sure we have enough crap for one day.

See? It really is Christmas!

When you learn awesome party tricks from your elders: Tequila-infused watermelon with salted limes. Aunt Rose, you rock!

The annual cousin lineup, by age: 7, 10½, 11, 12 (almost 13), 14 (almost 15).

And Nick is pulling away, which is okay since he is almost five years older!!

Adding older cousin Alex (17) to the mix (Jess was working).

I introduced Lisa to a few new products.

Unfortunately, it was a stormy day so we had to dodge rain and lightning for most of the afternoon…but, on the plus side, it wasn’t 100° with 95% humidity! My hair kinda grew throughout the day.

There was a fishing contest… Aubrey is a Master Fisher so she helped my kids. I was surprised at how long they kept at it! (Of course Tom was out there, too.)

Darrell caught the biggest one:

And then this happened…

Someone started the cooties!! (I think that will be a blog post in itself!) So for the last two hours we all had to keep our fingers crossed! We reminisced about the old days and learned Greg still has what it takes!

The big bummer? Lisa and Alex left pretty early and with the rain throwing things off, we totally forgot to take our group photo!

Maggie helping with the decorations.

I Konmari-ed all the ornaments and stuff and got rid of almost a full bag. If you count the old lights and garland I wasn’t using, it was more than a full bag. If you count the entire tree… Yes, we sold our fake tree. I have never loved it and we’ve been wanting to get a real tree so next Christmas we will get a real tree and then shop for a new tree during the post-Christmas sales.

Christmas lights!

Grannie wanted to see some lights while they were here so we went to the county fairgrounds. It was too hard to take pics but it was neat—the lights were all synchronized to a local radio station. The reindeer and tunnel (pictured) were my favorites.

We also went to a personal residence that had an amazing display (also set to music). It gave me some good ideas for when we finally plant roots… 🙂

Merry Christmas from the little beasts!

Yes, these masks might have freaked them out just a bit hiding in their big Santa bags. 😂

Tom and I were up before 7…but the kids weren’t—their phones were still outside their bedroom doors!! Well, if I was up they were going to be up [dammit!] so just as I was about to get Owen up he walked out, and then we had him wake Katie up!

Santa screwed up a little by using the same paper for our gifts, too, and not making sure ours all had name tags… The kids were too excited to see their paper on other gifts that weren’t in their Santa bags so ended up opening a few of ours. Oh well. Maybe next year Santa won’t start wrapping quite so late.

Both kids were excited to see a programmable robot that they’d previously asked for and forgot about… Plus Santa did bring some things they specifically asked for (ballet shoes and Pokémon cards) so they were happy. All gifts were open by 8am. 🙂

Christmas Eve Day

We spent the day with Uncle Rob and Aunt Dee at their new house! The kids played with Daisy, played in the snow, Owen shot his new bow (and lost an arrow in the snow!), made snowballs with Aunt Dee, and played games with Aunt Dee while is other three adults might have been napping. 🙂

Margarita buddies!

Santa Daisy

She was a big cuddle bug.