An unexpected new friend for me!

Katie was invited to a birthday party for a friend from first grade. I dropped her off since it was at the same time as Owen’s baseball game…and because I didn’t know the mom at all and staying at a four-hour party where I don’t know a single person is one of my personal hells. That said, the mom seemed super cool and I did promise to come back after the game and hang out because it was also a party for the adults if you catch my drift. I can get behind that kind of party for sure.

Fast forward to post-game and I really didn’t want to go because, you know, personal hell. But I went. Walked up to a garage of strangers. Made funny small talk, they laughed, okay maybe this won’t be hell. First room of strangers… Second room of strangers. Ugh. Deck full of strangers. I wanted to grab Katie and run out. I head into the tent to get Katie and leave early and she’s having an absolute blast making an unholy mess with paint, glitter, glue, and assorted craft paraphernalia. (They had already done paintings and were on to photo frames.)

There was so. much. glitter. Another personal hell to be honest.

So I talked to Katie for a minute, she obviously wanted to stay, so I just kind of hung around until I ran into a mom that I’d met before and chatted with briefly…and we did the somewhat uncomfortable chit chat for a bit (she’s PERFECTLY lovely, it just felt a bit weird). Then I finally found the host and we started talking and…y’all?? I found a new friend. We really hit it off, literally chatted for almost two hours straight, and planned a morning hangout in a few days!

This is the kind of party it was and the people they are. Can you see why we might have hit it off? SIX FLAVORS OF MARGARITAS Y’ALL. SIX.

Kafie decided to combine her two projects into one. It’s pretty cute but there’s so much glitter…

The story behind the biggest and best birthday present ever.

So let me preface this announcement by asking if you remember what one of my business goals was? Anyone? Bueller?

Yes, it was a family cruise. (I think I specifically said Disney, but realistically any cruise would suffice.) And we hoped the grandparents would tag along—I mean, what a great experience for the kids, right? And we’d all get an amazing vacation where no one has to cook or clean, we all get to relax and have fun with the kids, and hopefully escape some yucky Midwest weather.

So we forewarned the grandparents (they weren’t quite as excited as we were but they promised to think about it) and let our travel agent know we were looking for a good deal on a cruise. But then life takes over and you don’t think about it and time passes and you know that if you don’t actively engage, nothing will ever happen. And then something happens out of the blue and before you know it, you have put down a deposit on a cruise and it’s convenient to wait a few days to tell the kids after their party!

So what happened in an instant? New friends of ours (from baseball) that we’ve been hanging around with (and the kids love) were talking about a cruise they’re going on this fall. And not having any idea that a family cruise was actually in the back of our minds, she (possibly mostly in jest) said “You guys should come with us!” So I took a breath and said “You know, that might just work!”

It was the cruise line we just went on last year (almost the same ship, too) so that was a plus. A quick check of the calendar and with Tom (who pretty much gave an immediate and unequivocal YES!), and a few quick messages with our travel agent…and the cruise was booked! (Our TA even said he’s never booked a cruise that fast before!)

Long multiple-day story short, my dad and stepmom decided to go, too, so that’s awesome and we’re super excited. (We really tried to convince my mom and stepdad to go but weren’t successful.)

In the meantime, Tom started watching YouTube videos about the ship, pretending we were just showing the kids examples of cruises. We reaffirmed that we would be going on a cruise before we moved again, but that still left us two years.

We honestly didn’t think too much about how we were going to tell them, so after the party I rushed to the basement and cobbled together a card with the cruise info on it so they’d read it and hopefully we’d get a great video reaction.

Well, as usual, things didn’t go quite as we’d thought…

Dual pool birthday party…go!!

Katie’s birthday is obviously today and Owen’s was back in February, but both kids love a pool party so we decided to celebrate both birthdays together! (Owen also begged for another pool party!) So we had a 7th birthday and 10.5 birthday!!

The party officially started at 3:30 but we got to the park when it opened at noon so the kids could get in as much playing as possible (and to stake out the best shade seats, as is my usual). I didn’t take many pics because, well, I rarely take pics at the pool… And once people started arriving and the party started it was crazy busy—we had 15 adults and 27 kids!!!

But first, lunch. Of course the kids hadn’t eaten lunch before we left, so they were hungry pretty much as soon as we got there. We asked if we could have some of our party food early and that wasn’t a problem, so the kids had hot dogs and popcorn! (Our party package came with 20 cafe meals but we were bringing in pizza so technically didn’t need all the meals, so we snagged them for lunch! Brilliant!)

The arrival of the pizza!

Once we got it set up it was like a feeding frenzy. You’d think these kids hadn’t eaten in days. For a moment I wasn’t sure we’d bought enough pizza as the boxes were emptying at an alarming rate, but in the end it was perfect and we ended up with about 1.5 pizzas to take home.

Cupcake time came shortly after…

Of course we had way too many. I figured with 42 total guests, 60 would be just right because some kids would have two. But apparently most adults don’t eat cupcakes… So we literally had an entire tray left! I walked around handing out cupcakes to random people then took the rest to the manager’s office (they were happy to get them)!

We left just a little bit of garbage…

Sooo happy to see these guys together again!!

Tom and I went back to the water to cool off (it was still like 85°) and relax and two of our friends snapped pics of us. 😄

Katie was actually done before Owen so she went home with Daddy a little early.

All in all a great day… The weather was hot (I think it got to 94°) but it was perfect around the pool. Everyone had a great time. No one got hurt. Well, I take that back…Tom tweaked his back a bit but he powered through. And I lost my sunglasses on the waterslide—I had them tucked in my suit but they still came out…but they totally disappeared. They weren’t in the pool with me and we couldn’t see them in the pool anywhere. It’s a mystery.

Happy birthday, Owen! Or not.

So I came downstairs and gave Owen a big birthday hug or four and we talked about his birthday and his sleepover that afternoon… I took a casual birthday picture.

I wore his baby face necklace and took a birthday picture with him.

I posted a happy birthday post on Facebook.

While he was at another birthday party, Tom and I gave some cuddles to Katie because we knew the rest of the day would be about Owen.

And it wasn’t until we were all eating dinner (with his friends!) that I realized it wasn’t his birthday. OMG, am I a bad mom or what?! I asked Owen why he hadn’t said anything and he just shrugged his shoulders and said it wasn’t a big deal.

That said, I knocked it out of of the park with his gift: 900 Pokémon cards. He couldn’t believe his eyes and was practically vibrating with excitement. 🙂

This is what it looks like to be the mom of a 10-year-old with two 10-year-old boys over for a sleepover. #thirdmargarita #soloud #thankheavensforbasements

I think we only had to go in about five times to tell them to quiet down, and they were out by 11:30.

Owen’s amazing Pokémon evolutions.

Owen really is amazing when it comes to creating Pokémon and evolutions. Today he was making a birthday card for his friend and wasn’t sure what to draw so we told him to draw some Pokémon. We thought he’d just draw a common Pokémon, but he came up with two new Pokémon, complete with two evolutions each, for a total of six new Pokémon (he did one for the birthday boy and one for his sister, just because). He just blows me away.

Maine, Day 2

I woke up to this on the table. (Yes, it was my 45th birthday!) It was tempting to eat right then but I refrained.

The view from the back deck did not suck.

Then it was off to start sightseeing. Or first stop was the prison show room (gift shop) why lots of hand made things.

Then it was off to Pemaquid Point, mom’s favorite spot in Maine. It was really quite cool and fun to walk around on the rocks.

All the girls!

Then we went up in the lighthouse.

(That big boulder toward the upper left? That’s the one I climbed on top of in the earlier pic!)

And then as we were headed out we saw some Monarchs in the garden.

Then it was off to find lunch. We ended up at Shaw’s Seafood…where everything sounded good so good so how do you decide?! I actually opted for a scallop roll because I love scallops. It wasn’t what I expected but it was tasty.

These came home with us for dinner.

We also stopped at a family market and had to try some fresh strawberry shortcake! Mmmm.

We stopped at a grocery store to get celebratory birthday drinks and got these new drinks for a birthday flight for us all to share.

Look at this delicious dinner…

Day 2: lobster #2 — fresh mom-made lobster roll

Overall a great birthday…

Katie’s birthday adventure with GJ!

Remember last year when Gramma took Katie out on a birthday adventure? Well, she loved it so much they decided to do it again! But this year, Katie was really nice and invited her brother along, too, since she knew he’d have fun, too. Awwwww, what a sweet Katie bug.

They went to the city park and had a picnic lunch, skipped stones, and played in the river; then went mini golfing and to another playground; and finished off with ice cream from Dairy Queen and a quick treat from Dollar General! They had a great day!

Owen’s belated birthday trip with Gramma Jean!

Owen loved Katie’s day with Gramma for her birthday and wanted to do it for his, too! Since Gramma was in Florida for his birthday, they did it this trip.

Gramma says:

Owen and I had a belated birthday adventure today; three parks, shopping for picnic lunch goodies and a stop at Dairy Queen for birthday ice cream treat.

Gramma even tried the roller slide!

SURPRISE! Daddy and Katie just happened to show up at Dairy Queen at the same time Owen and Gramma were there—totally unplanned. They sang Happy Birthday to him!

Owen’s 9th birthday sleepover!

We decided to do a big summer party again so Owen invited two friends to spend the night.

Katie was thrilled to be able to play Xbox with the boys.


Katie helping get the cake ready. (Owen picked it out at Sam’s Club yesterday.)

Oliver and Brandon

Everything went really well. They were crazy loud at times but they were all really well-behaved and were in bed by 11 and had stopped chatting by 11:30…

Someone just spent some birthday money at Toys R Us.

We had promised the kids we’d take them shopping after Christmas to spend some of their birthday money/gift cards. (We’d postponed shopping due to the move and then we just forgot about it but when I took them Christmas shopping for each other they both obviously wanted to shop for themselves.)

I went with Katie and Tom went with Owen. They each had $35 to spend. Katie kept trading items out of the cart as she found stuff she liked better. It took her a bit to understand that she couldn’t just get everything she wanted. I had to guide her a little bit but she did well.

She loves being a mermaid. (This was a last-minute purchase that was her entire budget but she also had an expensive doll she really wanted. So to make my life easier, I let her get both and now she has used up all of her Target gift cards as well!)

I wasn’t thrilled about this huge animal but I was thrilled it wasn’t a 200-piece Shopkins set. She also got a huge 24″ Barbie-type doll so all of her gift cards are now gone (she had Target ones as well but since she went over budget, they’re now mine!).

Owen bought a bunch of random smaller stuff that I’m sure will be played with for a week and then lost. 😂 But he was happy today!

Katie’s Halloween Afternoon

While the boys were away at the game, Katie had a birthday party to go to…and some trick or treating to do. (Our city, for whatever reason, holds Halloween the Saturday before.)

She made me a mask.


The group of birthday trick-or-treaters. 

It was a tiny bit insane as they literally made a mad dash from house to house. It was also freezing.


And then they were all tired and cold after only 30 minutes so it was back to the house for a piñata.

A good time was had by all… And Katie even stayed to play and watch a movie so I had the house to myself… 

My first birthday fish sage!

I was originally planning on meeting a girlfriend halfway for a girls night out and we would do a joint live Facebook LipSense sale while having a few adult beverages in the hotel. She had to bow out due to work commitments, but I still wanted to try the sale myself so that’s just what I did! Of course, I kept with the adult beverages because, hey, that’s who I am and it was my birthday after all. :p

So why did I call it a fish sage? Well, in the initial planning stages with my friend over text, my phone autocorrected bad typing of live sale to fish sage and the rest is history. We both thought it was hilarious and I thought it might draw in more people’s attention if I was advertising a FISH SAGE. The result was…meh. A few people were intrigued, but it didn’t have the rousing success I had envisioned. (The fish sage joke only lasted for the first two days of the advertising. I quickly let people in on the joke.) The advertising was also proof you can pretty much google any two words and find appropriate pictures!

I was a bit nervous but once I got started it went well enough. I had about 4-7 people watching for the hour and a half I was on (I didn’t plan for it to go that long but oh well!) and although I didn’t sell anything during the sale as I had imagined, I sold quite a bit afterwards! So it was a success!

Here are some screenshots of the live video just because. There were some hilarious parts where I really didn’t know what I was doing with some of the makeup but I rolled with it and it was all good. (Keep in mind before this gig, I really didn’t wear lipstick or makeup more than a few times a year. I mean, ever since I stopped working nine years ago—and even back then I had no idea how to apply makeup—I just winged it. So I’ve worn makeup and eye shadow more in the past month than I have the past five years. And I’m still learning.)

And this was the full end result of the makeup demo. It was only a semi hot mess. And yes, the two different color lips were on purpose. 💕

It was definitely an interesting way to spend my birthday!!

Happy 45th Tom!

Tom got a half day off work so we celebrated his birthday in style at our first local Diners, Drive-ins and Dives restaurant: The Shanty. I started with Pineapple Sangria…

Then we tried one of the dishes they showcased on the show: Whiskey Shrimp. It was delish.


And another dish they profiled in DD&D: Blackened Conch Filet. Super yummy.


And a free birthday dessert!


Then we went to check out the Costco in Wisconsin—just a few miles away! 

Katie and Gramma Jean’s Big Birthday Adventure

I told Gramma that for Katie’s birthday, instead of giving her stuff, to take her on an adventure. So she did.

In Gramma’s words:

For Katie’s 5th birthday this year, we went on an adventure! (Yes, in Grayling.) We played at three parks, went wading in the river (along some of the racers practicing), went to the grocery store for picnic lunch supplies [where Katie could pick anything she wanted—she got a Lunchable, strawberry yogurt covered pretzels, strawberries, cashews, and chocolate milk], threw stones in the river for a half hour, went for a 3-mile bike ride (yes, I fell), and had an ice cream cone at Wimpy’s. We were gone 7 hours and mom and dad were starting to worry! What great fun we had! Happy birthday Katie Bug!



Gramma says Katie could have pedaled for hours!


Gramma says: I am so glad Katie didn’t fall. We were too close to each other and her back wheel caught my front wheel.