Look what vacation can do!

These two really don’t get along at home —Honey is just too young and wants to play hard all the time and Maggie is just too old and wants none of it. So we generally try to keep them separated so Honey doesn’t accidentally hurt Maggie… but today they were both tired so I put Maggie on top of/next to Honey and Honey stayed calm and they were totally nap buddies!

At least Tom and I take turns.

Getting old sucks. I woke up this morning with a familiar twinge in my lower back which told me I’d have to be careful or it would go out on me. So I was careful. I squatted at the knees, didn’t bend over, did my stretches. I sat at my desk, walked around Costco with Anna, and then we went on a walk. I felt fine. Then guess what happened midway through my walk? ZING! My back went out. I managed to make it back and drive home but now I’m sacked out on ice on the couch with Maggie. I took whatever drugs Tom gave me and crossed my fingers—we have another appointment today at 4 (not for my back) and I hope I can make it.