Katie’s taking gymnastics!

I got a deal on a 12-week (12 session) class and knew she’d love it. Thankfully it’s pretty close to home.

Warming up and stretching.

A few stills from the videos.


As predicted, she LOVED it and can’t wait to go back. She keeps asking about her “shimnashtics” class and would probably go daily. Yay!

Fairy Camp, Day 5: The Recital

On her last day of Fairy Camp: Mama, there’s a lot of tutu in here!

Waiting for class to start.

Recital time! Tom was able to get off work to come, and it was going to be a surprise for Katie! It was funny because she just kept staring out at me and then Tom and then me and then Tom. I was just happy she didn’t freeze up or cry like Owen has done!

The studio records every ceremony so this is from their YouTube channel:

I took a few still shots…

Getting her fairy wings:

Beautiful dancing:

Her fairy group:


Family selfie!

The post-recital lunch…which Katie walked in and thought it was all for her birthday! 🙂

She LOVED the experience. I would really like her to do another week (they have a Sophia the First camp in August), but full price is $175!! Even with their $25 discount for taking the Fairy class…$150 is too much. (We got this camp via a deal site and I only paid $89! so I’m a bit spoiled!)

Fairy Camp!

I signed Katie up for a Fairy Camp every morning this week at a local dance studio. We didn’t tell her about it until last night…and she was EXCITED!

I had this outfit picked out for her until I re-read their email and it said “no skirts”…

I didn’t really think they meant tutu-type skirts but I didn’t want to take a chance, so we switched to fairy (Tinkerbell) pants.

Stealing my sunglasses. 🙂

I asked about the skirts and she can wear tutus so the rest of the week will be easy. I just have to decide what she’ll wear on her birthday Friday—the Frozen “3” shirt with a big matching foofy tutu or her real ballerina outfit. 🙂

It was really hard for me not to be there and take pictures… 

When we picked her up I asked if she had fun. YES!! (I didn’t expect any less!) She had a craft project (mini water bottle filled with blue water and trinkets), she told us about her snack (rainbow goldfish), and showed us her dance moves when we got home!