Balls vs. Walks

I really don’t like it when people leave balls in their yards—it makes it VERY difficult to take Owen on a walk since he makes a beeline for any ball he sees…and is now old enough to remember where it is (so distracting him and turning him around doesn’t last long). We can be all the way back to our house and he turns around and toddles toward the ball he saw in a yard across the street four houses down! Or one he spotted on someone’s porch, even! Stinker!

Owen and the Pinecone

Today we went for a walk and I stopped to show Owen a pinecone. At first he didn’t want to even touch it—I’d hand it to him and he’d abruptly drop it. But then…then he decided it was fun to drop and pick up, drop and pick up, drop and pick up…then throw and pick up, throw and pick up. The only problem was he wasn’t moving much (I was trying to get us back home)…so I tried tossing it in front of him and he loved that! After a few tosses from me, he gave up and left the pinecone, and we made it home. 🙂

Walking on grass!

Up until today, Owen would stop whenever he hit the edge of the cement—he would NOT walk onto the grass. Well, he would if he was holding your hand or finger, but he would not do it on his own. It was actually kinda cute—you’d be walking along then take your hand away, and he would just stand there balancing like What do I do now? 🙂

Well, today I finally got him to walk by himself! YAY OWEN!

He’s walking better!

Since the weather has been awesome the past few days, I’ve been taking Owen out for walks—both in the stroller and just with him walking. At first, he needed to hold BOTH of my hands—but now he’s down to one hand (or should I say finger!). Here he is practicing a day or so ago with Grandpa Mike:

And today, he took some major steps on his own (with some help at first). He’s all bundled up because the temps dropped from the high 60s to the mid 40s.

Walking! Finally caught on tape!

Well, not really tape but you get the idea! I was trying to put Owen to bed and he was just not tired and wanted to play and crawl around. He kept taking half steps, so I kept the video ready to go but of course he never went more than that. So I recorded another cute video and as I was sending it to Tom (who was out running an errand)…THAT’S when he decided to walk. |-|

But then I got this:


I think it’s only a matter of time before he starts ZOOMING…

A few steps…

A week or so ago, when dad and Linda were here (before their trip to Florida) I ran a quick errand (like 20 minutes quick) to the post office. When I got home, dad says to me, “You didn’t tell us Owen could walk!”

I screeched said, “HE CAN’T!”

Yeah, turns out the little shit took four big steps—and dad thought I hadn’t told him about it so they’d be surprised.

Of course, he wouldn’t repeat it…and we tried and tried and tried. Since then, he might take a step (or half a step) but then he always kneels down and crawls. He does a lot of standing (you can see him working on balancing) and really-fast-walking-along-the-couch but that’s been it.

But he finally took a few genuine steps this weekend—and Tom and I both saw him, although we didn’t get it on tape.


I forgot to mention this (yes, I’m behind on my blogging)…Owen can now zip right up the stairs! I knew he could do multiple stairs because he did that at another mom’s house, but he really never even ventured towards ours. Until Grandpa and Grandma Smith came and somehow he “discovered” the stairs and now will rush right up if given the chance. 🙂

A big day for the little man!

Owen’s been a little cranky during meals over the past two days, but I didn’t think much of it. Today, Tom was sitting there with us and said “He’s got a tooth!” I had totally missed it! He’s getting his top right front tooth! :>> So now he’s getting teething tablets and Tylenol and Motrin.

Then, the biggie… HE MADE IT UP THE STEP! Just one day after he managed to stand up on his own!

And then later in the day…

Hoo boy, we have our work cut out for us tomorrow getting the rest of the first floor baby-proofed…and my days at home just became A LOT harder.

And…he’s up!

This morning I enjoyed watching Owen get to a standing position FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, ON HIS OWN! (Well, with the help of a bucket of toys for support!) And I got it on film. Tape. Flip. Video. Whatever. :))

Now I just have to edit the video down to 10 minutes (the limit on YouTube) or split it into two videos. I was going to do a “10 Minutes in the Life of Owen” but then he was so cute I just kept going, and ended at 12…which was, as I said, over the limit.

Stay tuned for the video. 🙂



(The part with the actual standing, if you want to skip ahead!)

To his knees!

Owen can now pull himself up to his knees. He really wants to get up the step into the kitchen, but for now that still stops him. But he hangs out there a lot!

He will also pull himself up to his activity table and the doors on the entertainment center.

Oh, and just now, apparently he also pulls himself up to his diaper pail and is pulling out his bottom clothes drawer.


Stomach to sitting!

So, now that Owen can crawl (he’s getting pretty good!), I wondered what the next achievement would be. As I watched him play on his stomach and roll around, I decided it would probably be moving from his stomach (or crawling) to a sitting position. Well, within a few hours, he did it! I watched him on his stomach, playing with a toy, to pushing up on his arms, and then voilà! He was sitting up straight! YAY OWEN!