Poop Knee

For the past few days my left knee has been a little sore and has felt like it just needs to crack and I wondered what I did to it…but today I had the AHA moment.

Yep, it’s messed up from kneeling on the (ceramic tiled) bathroom floor multiple times a day (at five minutes a pop) for almost two weeks while Owen poops. 😐

The bathroom is too small for a chair. The stool is uncomfortable (it hurts my butt plus there’s not that much room so getting up and down is hard plus getting up and down is hard enough at almost-40). So it looks like I get to stand…which doesn’t sound bad but really gets old and tiring FAST.

I’ve started calling it my Poop Knee. Think it will catch on?

So in the meantime, I’m walking almost with a limp, it STILL feels like it has to crack OR that it might just give out on me at any random moment, and I’m taking anti-inflammatories.

But the good news is that he’s pooping!!!!

A friend asked why I don’t just sit outside the bathroom?

Well, we might get to that stage, but remember he is blowing balloons to “help” the process along. Which still doesn’t require me to be close…except he’s learned that if you blow hard enough and let go, the balloon takes flight and it’s HILARIOUS. If I want him to stay on the toilet I have to hand it back to him. Lather, rinse, repeat.

He IS getting better (even trying without the use of the balloon) but I still need to be close enough for SOME balloon retrieval and verbal prompting… I watch him closely and I think a lot of the time if I wasn’t right there reminding him he’d just end up sitting there halfway trying and not REALLY trying.

So if we can get the balloon thing under control, I’ll be able to move away. Baby steps. 🙂

Four year well-visit

Height: 45″ (greater than 97th percentile) — was 42.5″ at 36m (greater than 100th percentile)
Weight: 51# (greater than the 97th percentile) — was 45# at 36m (greater than 100th percentile)

So…overall he’s gained six pounds from his three-year well-visit…but he was actually up to 56# as of November (when he was weighed at his pink eye appointment) which means he had gained 11# at one point. But, he’s lost 5# since then. Interestingly, the doc said his weight is still a little high for his height!! But she doesn’t really know his history, as this is the first time she’s seen him. When I explained that he’s always been over the 100th percentile, she felt a little better about it.

He did really well with the weighing and vision test, but the iron test threw him for a loop since he got his finger pricked. Hoo boy. “OUCHIE! OUCHIE! OUCHIE!” And he hated the band-aid and wanted that off. And there was crying and snot dripping and the whole nine yards. Had I been expecting the iron test, I would have asked to wait and do it at the end of the appointment. Because then I had to try and get him to calm down to finish asking him the questions on the 48m assessment (things like Does he know middle, above, between, below? What is his response if you ask him what to do when he’s hungry? Can he name five colors?) so I was asking him those things…and he was NOT being cooperative since he was concerned about his finger. But then he got my phone to play with and settled a little.


The pediatrician checked him out and said everything looked good (heart, lungs, ears, etc.). I brought up my concerns about his poop…and I wasn’t overly impressed with her level of concern (or rather lack thereof). Her initial response was “Oh it can take six months to learn to poop.” Yeah, that’s not really the entire issue (and it HAS been six months). So after some urging on my part, she ordered blood work to test for celiac (hopefully just to rule it out) and agreed that we should try a no-cows-milk diet to see if anything changes. Then depending on the blood work results and our diet results, she’ll get us an appointment with the GI specialist if necessary.

Then it was time for vaccinations, which was awful…screaming and crying and snot (the usual). I debated saving the blood work (at another location) for another day, but figured it would be better to just get it all done in one day. So we went there after and he didn’t like that much, either…but it went okay.

So now we wait for results. And in the meantime, hope to see some results from the no-milk diet…

Katie’s first boo boo.

So, Katie still falls over once in awhile. This morning she fell backwards and landed on a plastic semi tractor/trailer…but didn’t really cry about it. But I moved the truck and put a cushy blanket behind her so if she toppled again it would be on something soft. So what happens? She moved and toppled sideways so she smacked her forehead right on this corner.



And she cried…but only for about 30 seconds.

Fast forward a few hours and it doesn’t look THAT bad, but it definitely left a mark! (And isn’t she cute in another new cold-weather outfit?)

I need my frog!

Owen was playing and cracked his knee on his drawing table. Of course, the tears started. Tom put him on the couch and asked if he needed anything.


My first thought was Katie’s fluffy frog mat—and I was confused—but Tom was on the way to the fridge…for the cold pack frog! I was surprised Owen had even remembered it, as we’ve only had it out once or twice.

Diagnosis: Pink Eye

Yep. Owen has pink eye. 🙁

We noticed his left eye looked a little bloodshot Saturday but didn’t really think much about it. We noticed it Sunday as well…and this time there was a little extra “sleep” in the morning. I watched it all day and it wasn’t getting better—but he wasn’t itching it and he didn’t say it hurt and there wasn’t any discharge. Until this morning. His eye was pretty crusty and there was discharge. Ugh. We got an appointment at 2:15 where pink eye was confirmed by a lovely PA.

The poor kid looks so pathetic (I told Tom his eye looks drunk) and he HATES the eye drops (I wish he could understand the drops are the lesser of two evils—the cream would be even worse to apply) but he’s a trooper.

And he was AWESOME at the clinic. It was a bit of a wait—15m early for new patient paperwork, 30m to get into a room, 30m waiting to see the doctor, and probably another 10-15 with the PA—but he kept busy and was in good spirits. He let himself be weighed without complaint. He let himself get measured without complaint. And he even was pretty good with the blood pressure!

Weight: 56#
Height: 44.75″
BP: 100/65

Then when the PA was examining him, he was great with her looking in his ears, listening to his chest (and taking deep breaths!), and shining light into his eyes. He was SO good he earned a toy!!

Golf course shenanigans!

While Tom and Marsha and Rob were out shopping this morning, Owen and I went for a walk to the golf course… (Sidenote: This is the only 3T outfit he has that still fits.)


“Red! White! Yellow! Blue!” (Naming the colors on the sign.)


Another machine!

We were just about to head home when Owen started telling me his foot hurt. He hates wearing shoes so I thought he was just fooling me. But I unbuckled the sandal strap and felt around and didn’t see/feel anything that would be poking him so put it back on. He kept saying it hurt and I kept telling him nothing was wrong. He kept trying to get the shoe off himself so I finally took off the whole shoe…where I then saw a smashed red ant and three tiny bites. 🙁 Of course I felt like a horrible mom. Luckily when the shoes came off and the bug bite cream went on, he was totally fine.

Whoa. This was a surprise!

Imagine waking up in the morning, lazing about, showering, then going to put your contacts in and seeing this?! 😮

I had NEVER had this happen before! And I didn’t remember sneezing or exerting myself in any way…so I must have just rubbed my eye the wrong way. Yuck. At least it doesn’t hurt or itch or affect my vision in any way. And from friends who’ve had the same thing, it will be sticking around for about two weeks. 🙁

I need to stay out of the kitchen.

I should stay out of the kitchen for awhile. Within the past few days, I have:

  • grated my thumb (while grating cheese for mac and cheese).
  • stabbed myself in the palm (by simply holding and walking with a knife).
  • accidentally dumped a cup of syrup on my pancakes.
  • grabbed a just-out-of-the-oven pan bare-handed (after I had successfully taken it out of the oven with potholders).

My turn at the ER.

It started innocently enough, doing dishes. Well, I wasn’t even really washing dishes per se—like the knife wasn’t hiding in soapy water (my mom taught me that knives never go in the water—they sit to the side). I was just washing the one knife, with a scrubby, under water. It wasn’t even dirty, it was just new and needed a cursory 5-second wash. But I wasn’t paying too much attention and I was trying to do it really quickly—and suddenly I felt a ZING! and saw blood spurt into the sink. Egads.

And there was sooooooo much blood (it’s a good thing blood doesn’t really bother me). It hurt but not like I thought it would. I was actually more ticked because I couldn’t see the extent of the injury due to all the blood. When I finally got to look at it, I saw that I sliced my fingernail at the base along with about a 1/2″ gash in my finger.

Then…the Twitter and Facebook posts commenced. 🙂

2:16pm I just cut my finger with a new knife. More blood than I’d prefer. #thingsthatmakemeswear

2:30pm See? Not TOO bad. Right?

2:45pm It’s bandaged now (with a spray of pain reliever and a big band-aid).

I was pretty sure I didn’t need stitches, but after seeing the picture, friends told me it might warrant a few stitches, but…

  1. I didn’t feel it was worthy of having Tom come home from work so I could go.
  2. I’m not good at deciding, having only gotten stitches maybe twice in my life (I think five total, including childbirth!).
  3. I was actually waiting to examine it more closely—to pull apart the skin to see how deep the slice really was—but I had to wait until it was REALLY done bleeding.

When Tom came home I unwrapped it to show him and it started bleeding again, and he told me I should go to the ER. Ugh.

6:34pm At ER waiting for stitches—Tom convinced me to go. At least they’re fast (waiting for a PA).

7:11pm Up next: tetanus shot, since I can’t remember when I last had one.

7:20pm Well I thought this was going to be a super quick visit—I was triaged and waiting for the PA within 10 minutes. Then it was 30 minutes before they took me to the minor care center. I’ve been here 25 and have seen the PA but am waiting for my tetanus and then the stitches. Hopefully the rest goes more quickly as I didn’t eat dinner.

7:33pm I wish I knew why it took 30+ minutes to get a tetanus. At this rate I’ll be home at midnight. 🙁 Otherwise, I like this place.

7:44pm Harnessing the power of posting… How long does it take to get stitches? (I posted re: the tetanus and had it 5 min later.) #knockonwood

8:14pm I’m all numbed up. The PA was awesome. She said lacerations are her favorite thing and she loves doing stitches. Lucky me! It was neat watching her efficiency…and thinking that numbing agents are awesome, because I should really be able to feel that needle sewing me up! (I had warned her that I might need more than the normal amount of anesthetic—recounting my birth story—but I ended up only needing the usual amount.)

8:20pm Five stitches (which brings my current lifetime total to 10).

8:35pm I guess 2 hours round trip wasn’t bad (from my house back to my house), but it felt soooo much longer. The PA said that tonight was really busy, but you’d never know from how un-busy it looked.

The funny thing is, I’m all about doctors and medicine and having someone be able to fix something, but I really didn’t feel my injury necessitated a trip to the ER. I told the PA I didn’t want to take up valuable time and resources for what was essentially a CUT. She said an ER visit was definitely warranted. Especially if it cuts into the nail (had I cut more of it, she would have had to take the whole nail off!). Well, now I know.

I can’t believe all the normal day-to-stay stuff that is hindered by having this finger out of commission. Like using any silverware, unscrewing jars, putting in contacts (I use that specific finger), writing, picking up Owen, typing, etc.

I’m just glad it wasn’t worse.

Costume photo shoot

Taking pictures this year was a lot less fun than last year—he didn’t like the costume and refused to be still! So, this was the best of the bunch.

Unfortunately, the photo shoot ended when he tripped on something in the garage and skinned his nose. It looks extremely pathetic (can’t tell yet if it will be black and blue), but he was over it in about two minutes once I gave him a sippy cup of milk. I think most of what looks bad is dried blood that he won’t let me clean.

Toe update

Okay, so the toe didn’t look QUITE as bad the next morning… I don’t think he’s going to lose the nail (it looks like only one small spot is black and blue) and it looks like most of the blood came from two cuts on his toe.

But it doesn’t seem to be bothering him much, if at all. He’s climbing and walking and scuffing it to no ill effect. Of course, he doesn’t like me to touch it, but he never liked having his feet touched to begin with.

First minor injury—poor toe!

Owen got his first minor injury tonight.

Tom said (I wasn’t there so I didn’t witness it) a piece of 4×4 wood fell on his toe. :'( There was some crying and bleeding as we tried to deal with it—but really not too bad overall. He wouldn’t let us get near him with any type of ice pack but Tom did manage to get a band-aid on him. Then he sat with grandpa and watched Sesame Street and things were okay (until we had to put a new band-aid on).

I’m okay (LOL) and he’s pretty okay, except for when we need to touch the foot. And he’ll likely lose the nail since it’s completely black and blue.

Poor kid.

Road Rash

Owen got his first “road rash” tonight–we were out walking on the sidewalk and playing with a ball and he got tangled up in my feet and fell and scraped his cheek on the sidewalk. It wasn’t bad at all but he was really crying. Poor kid. We came in, washed it off, put cream on it, sat on the couch for a few minutes, then he was ready to go back out for more playing.

Right after it happened:

Later during his first spoon/yogurt experience (more on that in a later post):

This is not my day.

It started at 4:30am, when Tom’s alarm went off…which in and of itself is a necessity, I know. But he didn’t get up. EVEN THOUGH I SPECIFICALLY ASKED THE NIGHT BEFORE ABOUT IT AND OH, OF COURSE HE’S GETTING UP. 😐 So then of course he falls RIGHT back to sleep and I toss and turn, finally falling asleep until his second alarm went off about 5:15. Needless to say I was NOT happy. And he STILL didn’t get up and of course I had trouble falling asleep again. So just when I’m getting some sleep…*I* get a blocked call (had my phone on silent, but it still vibrates, which is enough to wake me up) at 6am.


Then, after I put Owen down for his nap, I decided to get a bunch of stuff done around the house since I was feeling AMAZING (after a round of stomach flu this weekend) and was carrying laundry down from upstairs when I slipped and crashed on my ass. Luckily I didn’t hit my head or go down the entire staircase (or do any serious damage), but my butt, back, and wrists hurt immediately and I predicted in a few hours I wouldn’t be able to move (so I skipped the measly Advil and went straight to the prescription painkillers).

And just to round out my morning… I discovered that Maggie peed in the house. Again. I let her out this morning like I always do and tried to keep an eye on her (since she’s been peeing inside more often lately) and damn if she didn’t do it while I was in the shower. She just hates going outside in the cold/snow so if you don’t actually watch her outside I swear she fakes it…then pees in the house because you weren’t watching her at the exact moment she needed (wanted) to go outside. I think it might be time she goes back in her crate during the day.


I know things could be worse (I could still have the flu, knock on wood, or god forbid Owen could have it, KNOCK ON WOOD) but this has not been a good day.

First very minor injury!

Owen was a poor little traumatized boy this afternoon… He was standing at the entertainment center like he does all the time, except the door was open today, so he was playing with that—when he suddenly let out this loud and frantic cry. OMG! I couldn’t see exactly what was going on (he was blocking my view) so I went over and…one of his little fingers was pinched in between the open door and shelf!


Poor kid…but he was mostly over it within two minutes, but I sucked up the additional cuddle time he gave me while watching Sesame Street and recuperating!

Off to the ER again.

Tom woke up this morning in pain and told me he was staying home from work. He said he had major stomach cramps, couldn’t stay out of the bathroom, and couldn’t keep anything down. We thought it might be food poisoning (although we ate most of the same stuff) or the flu…so he tried to sleep it off. He came down a few hours later and said he was going to the hospital because he was STILL in major pain—and now it felt like his kidneys hurt.

I told him I could take him, but he said he was okay to drive himself—and I had to stay home with Owen.

Turns out he had kidney stones. Or, well, a major kidney stone. He was on major drugs and got a cat scan and the doc said the stone was 4-5mm. That is huge. He said they were going to keep him until it passed…and as the day wore on, he said they were keeping him overnight and if he didn’t pass it, they would have to use a stent.

Owen and I went and visited him for about an hour (and took him his phone charger) and that perked him up. He is indeed spending the night, and now we’re just waiting to see what happens.

I am taking full advantage of the house being totally quiet and going to bed early, and hopefully Tom will be released first thing in the morning (if all goes well).

UGH! Two twisted ankles at 2am!


So long story short, I am dogsitting.

Well, she whines as soon as you put her in the crate for the night, and kept whining. And whining. And whining. Not so badly that I couldn’t fall asleep, however. I just attribute it to the fact she knows her buddy Maggie is here and consequently doesn’t want to be in her crate because she would rather be playing.

Fast forward to just a bit ago, when I wake up because she is being even LOUDER than ever. I don’t look at the clock, but go out on the landing to yell at her to be quiet (she is downstairs but directly below the balcony). As I am yelling at her, she sounds even louder, and like she is moving. I turn around, and there she is—coming up the stairs! Damn dog got out of her crate! I obviously didn’t latch it correctly, and she freakin clawed/forced her way out.

So, I was pissed at myself for not doing it right, and pissed at her for not just sleeping (like my dog does—you could not even latch the door and she wouldn’t try to get out—she knows it’s sleep time). But she’s just a dog so what can you do. So I head down the stairs to take her outside and then put her back in the crate.

And then one of my biggest fears happen—in the dark, in my frustration, I miss the last step and go crashing to the floor. Luckily my head missed the marble fireplace (but my leg must have hit it because there is a nasty scrape and bruise forming). I laid there for a few moments, in utter terror and pain, waiting for the shock to wear off so I can tell if anything was broken.

I was crying from the pain—and it felt like both ankles were twisted, although thankfully not broken. The dog is hovering above me, nosing at me, thinking I am playing. I just want to scream and cry. I manage to crawl on my knees to the kitchen to let the dog out, then hobble back to her crate and make sure she is really locked in.

Then I hobble back up the stairs—in major pain with every step—and take some Aleve, then hobble to bed. It is at this point that I look at the clock and see…it’s only 2am. I was hoping it was later, like 6am, so I could just stay up. Of course at this point, my cat decided to yak up a hairball so I had to hobble around cleaning that up.

I emailed my coworker (from my phone) to let her know I might not be in in the morning if I can’t walk. So then I just laid there, both ankles just throbbing and screaming in pain. I have some movement but it hurts.

I have never technically twisted an ankle before, so I don’t know if it’s a true twist or just a sprain or what. Should I go to the doctor in the morning? Or just keep popping pills? Is it going to hurt me to walk on it?

/off to google


I see RICE is recommended. Ugh. I am not sure it’s worth it to go BACK downstairs to get ice. So I may just move to compression with ace bandages since those are in the bathroom. But I don’t even want to get up to get those. I may just go with elevation until morning.


Okay, nothing looks swollen at all, but I can barely even stand, let alone walk. Friends are taking me to the doc, as I don’t trust myself to drive. Called my coworker and boss and left messages. I hope the doc can wrap them or give me crutches… I have no idea how I am going to go up and down the stairs a million times this weekend for the dogs.


Well, I am home and waiting for the Vicodin to kick in.

At 8am I showed up to my regular clinic, at which point they told me I had to go to the ER (base, of course) since they didn’t have x-ray facilities. Luckily my friend was able to take me. Let me just say I am not thrilled with the treatment there.

I hobble in, can barely walk or stand, tell the ER person what happened, and she tells me to take a form and “go over there by the window to fill it out.” 88| I should have asked for the wheelchair right then, but I was in too much shock that she didn’t offer. So I hobbled over, filled out the form, hobbled back, and she told me to go have a seat in the waiting room—literally 20 yards down the hallway. At this point my friend was coming back in from having parked the car in BFE, saw my distress, and asked for a wheelchair since I couldn’t walk. A wheelchair appeared immediately. I just wonder why they didn’t think of that themselves when I came in and said “I fell down the stairs and can’t walk.” 🙄

I didn’t have to wait that long before I was taken to radiology, but I had to go back in THREE times to redo x-rays that they messed up. First the tray was in backwards. Then they reused a tray that hadn’t been cleared so I had a wrist on my ankle. Ugh. I know mistakes happen (I mean, after all, that’s how I fell down the stairs) but that was kind of like strike #2.

Then it was back out to the waiting room, where the wait sucked, but it really wasn’t THAT bad—maybe an hour? I got wheeled into the actual ER and layed on the bed. Unfortunately, we were in there for almost two hours just waiting. At about 1:30 my friend went out and asked when we might be seen, just curious (because we saw docs walking around and lots of people not doing anything) and they said they only had one doc on until 2pm. (It would have been really nice had someone told us this when we first came in, or any time while we were waiting.) Interestingly, a doc was there five minutes later. He was nice enough, but he asked me if I had had x-rays taken yet. Um, I take it he didn’t even look at my chart. So he said he had to go check the x-rays and get back with us. Good lord you would think he would have already looked at the x-rays before even coming to see me.

So after another 30 minutes or so he came back and said he didn’t see any breaks so it was probably just ligaments or muscles. He didn’t seem like he was going to say anything else, so I asked him if I was going to get drugs. I asked him if I was going to get my ankles wrapped (he said “when you wrap your ankles” and I was like “Aren’t you going to wrap them for me?”). I asked if I was going to get crutches. It was like he wasn’t clued in AT ALL. I thought he would have came back and said “It doesn’t appear to be broken. We will wrap your ankles, give you Vicodin, and give you crutches.” But I guess I was expecting too much.

Here is my pathetic self leaving the hospital.

Jen on crutches

So, I went in at 8:30 and got out at 2, which is par for the course from what I’ve heard. It wasn’t that bad I guess, just frustrating that no one kept us updated on anything, when there were literally 10 nurses/support staff/etc. wandering around the whole time, talking about what they were doing for lunch, etc.

I thank god for my (our) friend Ursula, who sat with me the whole time. I am thankful she works with her husband in real estate and was able to be away from the office all day. She brought me home, gathered everything I said I would need, and even turned on lights throughout the house so if I fell asleep, there would be lights on when I got up. I am also thankful for my neighbors (Rob and Cindy) who are coming down tonight to let the dogs out. Hopefully I can do it myself later in the weekend but I want to try to stay immobile as much as possible for the first 24 hours.

As far as sleeping on the couch downstairs… it is possible. I would have the laptop (no TV, but could watch movies on the laptop) and a toilet. But my dog would still be upstairs (where her crate normally is). The dog I’m sitting for—her crate is downstairs. So no matter where I am, one dog is on the other floor. So I am in the living room upstairs with the phone, drugs, laptop, TV, pillows, blanket, water, and snacks…until the neighbor comes over at 7:30 to check on me and the dogs.

Unfortunately, Tom has no idea what’s going on. I emailed him at 2am (right after it happened) and then he called when I was on my way to the ER. But while we were at the hospital our phones had to be off so he called like five times and I obviously didn’t answer so he doesn’t know if I have two broken ankles or what. Poor guy, even called my friend’s husband in case he knew anything—which he didn’t either because her phone was off, too.

This just really really sucks. Our cruise is a hair over a month, and I just have this feeling I will not be up to par by then. I mean, I totally hope otherwise, but… with TWO sprained ankles, it’s not like I can walk on one and baby the other. When I walk, I have to walk on BOTH, so I don’t think either one is going to heal as quickly. I am not sure about work, either—I am supposed to keep my feet elevated, but that is impossible at work—and when I asked the doc, he said “just do your best.” What the hell does that mean? Ugh.

So, the Vicodin still hasn’t kicked in and it’s been over an hour.


Well my bosses called to see if I needed anything, so I asked them to bring me Chinese. In the meantime, my neighbor called and said he was bringing down pot roast, so I would be set for a few meals! Rob (our doctor neighbor!) stopped in my kitchen and brought the salt and pepper and silverware. I love him. He also assured me the next dose of Vicodin would help more (it builds up in your system), plus I could also take additional meds on top of it. And that the pain should subside a lot tomorrow. Here’s hoping. And I asked him about the ER doc I had (since he works at the same hospital) and he said yeah, that guy is okay, competent, but not great. Oh, it was also good timing as the dogs were whining to go out. Shortly after he left, my bosses arrived.


Rob has been great. He came down twice, brought me dinner (which will be lunch tomorrow), and brought me other drugs (he’s the doc). I just hate having to ask for help, which I know is ridiculous because I would drop everything to help these neighbors if/when they called. So I know they would do the same for me (which they are doing) but I still hate asking. Like just a bit earlier, I knew I wanted to go to bed, and he hadn’t been back yet for the dogs’ last walk, so I had to call. He was down within two minutes. Then after he left his wife called to tell me her schedule for tomorrow so I would know when I could call. I love them. I love all our friends. They rock.

I am just waiting for Tom to call so I can fill him in. At this point, as far as he knows, I could have two broken ankles…

Sunday, February 3—1:23pm

I am doing even better today—quite a difference from Friday when I swore it would be weeks before I was walking again. I have cut out the Vicodin and am just using Motrin at this point, and I am barely using the crutches. So, it looks like I will be going to work tomorrow, although from past experience, I know that by the end of the day, my ankles will be SORE, since now I am used to having them elevated all day.

Wednesday, February 6—9:25pm

The ankles are getting better. I gave up the crutches Monday night, and just kept taking the Motrin and icing my ankles (and keeping them elevated) at night. Today I gave up the ankle wraps and actually bought a pre-formed ankle wrap from the medical supply place (I have to go back tomorrow to get a second one – they were out of stock). I wasn’t sure how much difference one of these wraps would make, but at the end of the day, the ankle with the wrap hurts less.

So I am walking okay, albeit still slowly—and taking great precaution on the stairs. And I am bruising nicely.

Carpal tunnel? Nah, carpet trouble!

So my wrists have been hurting lately—like all the time hurting. Especially at work and while on the computer, so of course I was thinking carpal tunnel. I have even taking to cracking my wrist like Tom does! However, nothing really has changed at work or at home (seating configuration, desk, keyboard, chair, etc.) so I wasn’t sure why all of a sudden my wrists (both of them, not just the right one) would hurt so much.

But I think I have figured it out. Since both hurt, but the right is definitely worse than the left…it’s the Rug Doctor! I have been cleaning the carpets like crazy (I am on cleaning #5 I think downstairs and I’ve done upstairs twice). I always pull the unit with my right hand while also using the same hand to push the solution button! If I “test” grip (close my hand into a fist) I can feel it hurting.

So, why have I been cleaning the carpets so much, you ask??? Because they are filthy! Before, we would run the machine over the carpet once, get out the spots, empty the water, and it would be hideously, disgustingly gray. Well, that means (duh!) they’re still dirty!! So, I decided to keep cleaning them until the water runs clean! OMG! 88| It’s not happening! As I said, I am on time #5 downstairs (and it’s still dirty, and I am not even moving big furniture) and I’ve done the living room/hallway (upstairs) twice. The scary thing is it doesn’t seem to be getting THAT much better with each pass…so it’s either amazingly dirty, or the Rug Doctor has a glitch that spits a reserve of dirt into the water so you clean and clean and clean and use more product!! 🙂

But anyway, I am now taking a break because I have got to let my wrists get better—it’s painful to do a lot of things, including work on the computer all day!!

My poor toes!

I don’t think my toes are ever going to fully recover.

Just now, this very minute, I was walking into the office like I do every morning and evening (multiple times) but this time, I managed to stub my already-damaged toes on Tom’s chair (which is usually never pushed in all the way, so it’s not like it was a surprise).


This is just crazy. I hit them on something probably twice a week—not badly enough to injure them like the first time, but just enough to bring back the throbbing and cause them to hurt for another few days.

Tom always tells me to “be more careful!” but really, I’m just doing things as I would normally do them. I guess I’m probably running into things as much as ususal, it’s just more memorable since my toes are already hurting and the pain doesn’t disappear as quickly.


So, my toes still hurt. They’re better when I’m bare foot, so at work I wear really loose slippers (it’s chilly to keep my feet on tile all day) and at home I wear nothing.

And sometimes it bites me in the ass.

I was closing the closet door last night and…I happened to be moving at the same time….and of course I smacked my toes with the door.


So I was hobbling around almost as bad as when I first injured myself.

And then this morning, I was cleaning and organizing and minding my own business…when Maggie decided to chase Charlie down the hall, and they rounded the corner IN BETWEEN MY FEET and managed to injure my toes again (it all happened so fast, I’m still not exactly sure what happened—whether Maggie stepped on my toes or whether she just threw me off balance and I half stumbled onto the bad toes). Regardless, my toes hurt again.

My toes are not having a good week.

Two broken toes

Or at least it certainly feels like it.

Let me start at the beginning.

Two weekends ago, during a period of inebriation, I slipped on a wet floor and fell. It wasn’t until the next morning that I noticed my left pinky toe area was EXTREMELY bruised and painful to walk on. It has gotten better over time (the bruising is gone), but it is still somewhat painful and hard to walk on.

So what did I do this morning?

Of course, I rammed my right pinky toes into a door/door frame. The pain just about brought me to my knees—and it did bring tears to my eyes. I could barely put any pressure on it at all, but I managed to make it downstairs (carrying the dog, no less) and put a cold pack on it (which didn’t really seem to help at all). I hobbled around to finish getting ready, and it was extremely painful. By 9:30, it was very swollen and bruising nicely.

Although I’m sure it would have been much more painful, I would rather have crushed the same toes I did before, so at least I would have one good foot to walk on.