Babysitting at the neighbors

My friend had to take an exam so I came and sat at the house with Katie while her son napped. Well, Caitlin spoils Katie and had out markers and crayons and pages to color and a bucket of water beads…and she was elated. I have to admit the water beads are super cool. 🙂

Katie was SO excited when Liam woke up from his nap. Hell, Liam was so excited, too, when he saw Katie! I so wish I would have been recording when he came to the stairs—she got this super excited look on her face and said LIAM!!! and he got this super excited look on his face and said (in his so cute 3yo voice) KAYDEE!!! Oh man, it melted my heart. And then she had to help take him to the potty. 🙂

They play well enough together that I didn’t have to oversee much and I stayed in the living room on the couch while they were in the kitchen with the bucket of water beads. And then I heard chairs moving and water splashing…and got up to discover this:

They knew they couldn’t reach it and Katie told me since there was only one stool they got the chairs! Smart kid, right? So I moved it to the floor on a towel and everyone was happy!

Later, Katie got on one of her favorite toys. (I am GOING to get two of these if the floors in our next house are good!)

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