He just had to do his weekend news!

Owen’s class does Weekend News for classwork and I absolutely love reading them when they eventually come home. But today he told me he really wanted to do his weekend news so I had to find a template for him! Off he went and came back about 10 minutes later with this.

Translation: last week on Xbox 360 on castle crashers me and my dad beated the whole game with indigo guy and desert guy to earn a fencer and sand thug [thug is on the back].
And just look at his writing!! He did sooo well on his letters and spacing!! I told him I was super proud and he was beaming—grinning from ear to ear and just beaming. I was so proud of him! I emailed it to his teacher and she was proud of him, too!

And then I was trying to get a picture of him beaming and of course he was a silly goose and gave me this face instead.

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