Owen became a knight today!

Owen went to a super cool birthday party today! This is how he came home:

That’s not how he left the house. 🙂

Turns out the kids all went on a quest! And the mom posted pictures of the whole thing later on Facebook (which I appreciated because we weren’t at the party—it was Owen’s first party alone!).

Waiting to joust and retrieve hanging rings!

Owen said they did catapults “but not real ones!” This is what he meant:

Retrieving their swords from the stone!

Hunting for treasure!

Slaying a dragon!

He had a great time and came home with a box of treasure—colorful necklaces, gold rings, and chocolate coins!—which Katie loved, too! It was an amazingly well-planned and executed party and I am so glad he got to go!

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  1. Pingback: Owen became a pirate today! | Hudson Chatter

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