I can’t believe this hasn’t happened before now.

She went in to go potty while I was picking out her clothes…when suddenly I heard crying. I ran in there to see this. 

She was not happy. But of course I took the extra 10 seconds to snap a pic before helping her out. 🙂 It was only pee water but I figured I’d better at least rinse her off—and she didn’t like that, either.

What a way to start the day. Poor Katie. 

3 Replies to “I can’t believe this hasn’t happened before now.”

  1. No, nothing official. She pees in the potty randomly but nothing consistent. Just this morning she peed when she got up and she REALLY wanted to wear underwear so I thought “Cool, maybe this will work.” I asked her every 10 minutes if she had to pee. No. No. No. Then she peed on the floor. I don’t have the patience for this today since I’ve been up since Tom’s alarm went off at 4.

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