The novelty has worn off.

School was called off last night since a HUGE storm was predicted—I think today is Snow Day #8 or #9. It snowed lightly but steadily all day and the kids didn’t even care—they didn’t ask to go out once. 

I decided I’d better go out and at least attempt shoveling. 

I decided it’s official: winter can %#&$ off. Of course, the time we get the worst snow of the season (6″ of wet, heavy, sticky snow) is the time when Tom is away on business. Me trying to shovel with my bad back and wrist was a joke. I managed to do the sidewalks and where we got plowed in (well, just directly behind my car), but I couldn’t get to the actual driveway or the car. As it is, I had to take drugs so I’d be able to walk tomorrow.

Ironically, we do own a snowblower…it’s just not functioning at the moment. GRRR.  

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