What happened to us?

Otherwise titled I guess there’s no better time to get crazy sick than two hours after your parents arrive for their two-week visit…and as long as we’re at it, no better time for BOTH kids to get sick as well.

I started feeling headachy about an hour after we got back from the airport yesterday and thought it was because I hadn’t eaten much all day…so had a snack and some water. And it got worse. Then I felt nauseous. Then I was spouting from both ends, as they say.

I was REALLY thankful that Grannie Lin and Papa were here, even though I felt bad they walked straight into kid duty.

But, because they were here, I could just relax…and then go to bed early. Like 7:47 I had my lights out and phone off early. I tossed and turned and slept fitfully until about midnight when I finally fell into a good sleep.

In the morning I felt fine…and learned that Owen had woken up crying loudly about 10pm (I am amazed I missed it). But he didn’t have a fever and looked and said he felt fine, so it was off to school.

I got a call about 11:30 saying he had thrown up but didn’t have a fever so he could stay at school, but they were just letting me know what was going on. (Apparently they have to throw up twice in an hour or have a fever to be sent home.) But then about half an hour later I got a call saying he hadn’t gotten sick again but he wasn’t eating lunch and was crying and asking for his mama so it was up to me. So I went to get him. They told me a stomach bug has been going around. (And in the meantime, the friends who had the gymnastics birthday party yesterday emailed and apologized saying that they’d seen a lot of our Facebook posts and added to their family…it appears a bug may have been spread at their party.) So who knows what really happened.

Owen seemed somewhat better once he was home, but I made him rest and drink water. I was thankful Katie was the vision of health. Until a few hours later when she suddenly barfed all over herself and the couch. And as I was gathering her up and getting dad and Linda to help out…I heard Linda rushing Owen to the bathroom where he puked.


Then Katie seemed fine and Owen seemed pretty okay…but tired out. He finally fell asleep and slept hard for a good two hours when I struggled to wake him up and got him to pee and go to bed. Katie seemed fine the rest of the night.

2013-10-08 16.16.55

2013-10-08 17.32.51

Here’s hoping it’s a less-than-24-hour thing for them, too, and they’re both healthy tomorrow. AND that the grandparents don’t get it…

One Reply to “What happened to us?”

  1. Of all the rotten luck! Either school or the party–bet they feel awful. But how do you know? Hope everyone is better real soon. AND you got help just in the nick of time!

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