She tried to poke her own eye out.

We were in the upstairs living room and she was playing in a drawer of the entertainment center (her new favorite thing is putting stuff in drawers). I’m glad I didn’t see it happen or I would have likely freaked the F out. But one second she was standing at the drawer, I looked away, the next second she was sitting down next to the drawer and screaming. My first thought was she fell and smacked her chin on the drawer. So I grabbed her and checked her out and didn’t see any red marks and there was no blood in her mouth…so then I actually looked at her face and HOLY CRAP. It looked a little worse than the pictures (which were taken later, after her bath) but even so, she only cried for about a minute. Of course, she wouldn’t let us put an ice pack or anything on it. Silly kid. I’m sure she’ll have a black eye tomorrow.




2 Replies to “She tried to poke her own eye out.”

  1. OUCH! OMG, that looks like it hurts like HELL. Poor little thing. I’m sure it WILL look worse tomorrow. She’s going to be the one with stitches and broken arms, just wait and see. That last picture looks a lot like Owen at that age.

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