Owen shocked the hell out of me and asked for AND ATE a banana today. Just. like. that.

I was on the computer in the office and he was out playing his Sesame Street Xbox game and I saw that Cookie Monster was eating a banana. Owen came in to me to tell me he needed a banana. I was sure he just meant to play with it (to mimic what Cookie Monster was doing) and I said no, he didn’t need a banana.

A few minutes later: “Mom…I NEED A BANANA!” I asked if he was going to play with it or eat it—completely expecting him to say play with it—but he said EAT IT! So I said “Are you really going to eat it?” He said yes.

So we went downstairs, I started peeling it for him, handed it to him, and he took a bite like it was the most normal thing in the world and he’s been eating bananas forever. EXCEPT HE’S NEVER EATEN A BANANA IN HIS LIFE (aside from mashed when he was a baby) AND YOU KNOW HOW HE IS ABOUT TRYING NEW FOODS.

I was floored. FLOORED I TELL YOU! And perfectly giddy in my excitement—if we’re being honest.

He only ate about half of it BUT HE ATE IT! Without any coercion! Now to find videos of Cookie Monster eating some veggies!!

*As a sidenote, I really hope he continues to like them because that should help with the poop issues we’re STILL having…

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