You thought that was a good idea?

While we were at Home Depot last week, we answered some questions about our water for a chance to win a gift certificate. Yeah, I knew they were likely going to call to get us to buy some sort of water service, but whatever, no biggie.

So they call to tell us HEY—YOU WON! Cool, the girl had said a $250 GC. So he goes on…”You win a free home water test and a $10 GC!” Oh, thanks. BIG WHOOP. We don’t care about the water test and a $10 GC isn’t really worth it to go through the hassle. But I say yes, because I am actually intrigued as to what’s in our water. We schedule for 8-9 on Friday, but say it really has to be at 8 before we start the kids bedtime routine and we go to bed. The guy says he’ll make that note. Friday comes and we have to reschedule because the guy who does the tests had been in a minor car accident. We reschedule for Monday at the same time, reiterating it really needs to be near 8. Fine.

Fast forward to tonight, Skyping with the grandparents, talking on the phone to other grandparents, putting Katie to bed, putting Owen to bed late at 8:45…when Tom says “Why is there someone in front of our house?” Oh yeah, the water guy—we had totally forgotten—but it was 8:50 and we were on our way to bed. So we turned off the lights and watched from the balcony in the dark. And after five minutes of watching (so, 8:55), he walked up our lawn and I was thinking he’d just leave a card or something. But NO. He rings the doorbell, which is VERY LOUD AND VERY LONG.

Tom goes down there and the guy says “Hi! I saw you turn off your lights so I figured it wasn’t a good time…” SO SINCE YOU FIGURED IT WASN’T A GOOD TIME YOU THOUGHT RINGING THE BELL WOULD BE A BETTER IDEA? 👿 Long story short, he will have them call to reschedule…at which point I will say thanks but no thanks, mail me my gift certificate (which I’m sure they won’t do).

And this is why I usually never give my number for anything…and why I will go back to NOT doing so again.

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