My little helper

Owen is SUCH a great helper.

I have him do little things for me off and on—partially because it really helps me out and partially to teach him how to follow multi-part directions.

For example, today I asked:

“Owen, can you please go upstairs into your bathroom and bring me the Baby B that’s in the sink?”

And he got it.

I also asked:

“Owen, can you please go upstairs in Katie’s room and get the two bottles that are on her crib?”

And he did that, too.

Both of these are impressive since he often has a hard time with (what we think are) simple/easy-to-understand requests. (For example, he asked me where something was, and I told him (while pointing) “It’s under that chair in the pink cat bed.” And he didn’t get it, even after I repeated it three times.) I’m not sure what the difference is between what he does and doesn’t understand.

But he’s learning and getting better and he’s awesome to have as a helper!

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