Best haircut experience yet!

Well, aside from his very first salon haircut when he had no idea what was going on so he couldn’t be freaked out…

He was getting quite scraggly and ragamuffin (see his recent “birthday month” photo) so we knew it was time. We postpone as long as we can because we know he hates it and throws a tantrum and it’s just. not. fun.

We tried a new place (again) and surprise surprise surprise—aside from an initial 20-second tantrum where he did NOT want to sit on my lap (so Tom and I switched) he was fine. Don’t get me wrong—he wasn’t exactly happy about any of it—but he sat pretty still and tilted his head as requested. She was even able to cut cleanly around his ears with scissors! And cut his bangs twice (I requested them a little shorter, and since he was pretty much cooperating, we went for it)! Then he was super excited to pick a toy from the drawer…because there was a car in there! Oh, happy boy.

This is him at our next stop—the farmers market.

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