In a nostalgia-related funk.

So this past weekend was my 20th high school reunion…which I missed. 🙁

Now, before you think I’m going insane because I actually WANTED to go to my reunion, let me assure you I am mentally stable.

Well, wait. At least in this case, anyway. :p

We had a great class—we had cliques of course, but everyone was still friends. And we haven’t had the typical five-year rotation of reunions—we didn’t have a 5, I went to our 10, and we didn’t have a 15—so it’s not like I was burned out on them. Besides, 20 is a nice round year to attend. And it was going to be convenient since we were actually living in Michigan!

But, as fate—or rather, as life in the military—would have it, after almost three years of living in Michigan, we moved back to North Carolina 1½ stinking months before the reunion. GRRRR. I have to admit, however, that a small part of me was ticked because I had wanted Tom to have to reciprocate for me having to go to his 20th reunion! :>

Anyway. People are finally posting pictures and it’s just bizarre to see everyone again. I mean, I’ve been keeping up with some of them on Facebook, but it’s different seeing them in pictures TOGETHER. Knowing I was thisclose to being there, as well. And everyone is saying what a great time they had.


Are reunions the best thing ever? No.

Did I want to talk to every single person? No.

Would I have been a bit of a wallflower? Yes. (I am still an introvert, no matter what anyone wants to think.)

Would I have had a good time? Yes.

So, I’m in just a bit of nostalgia-related funk today…

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