My morning shocker!

So Tom left for a work trip this morning. He planned to leave at 7:30, which meant he’d be here to get Owen up. In cases where the timing works like this, I get to “sleep in” and then he always wakes me up before he leaves…so when I woke up at 7:30 I assumed he was still home/just getting ready to leave.

So as I walk by Owen’s room I see he’s not there, which fits what should be. The bottom stair gate is closed, which also fits. But as I get to the living room, I see Owen…but no Tom…and the TV isn’t on. I quick checked the garage and yep, Tom was gone.

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Yeah, Owen got up on his own, forced his way out of his room (his room was too hot last night so we opened his door and propped a heavy container of change against the screen door thinking he wouldn’t be able to get out OR my mom-hearing would hear it if he was able to move it), made it downstairs, and was sitting on the couch saying “Watch! Watch!”

I had no idea how long he’d been up, so I called Tom who said he left at 6:15 and Owen wasn’t up then… But still, Owen could have been wandering/waiting for an hour!!! But from what I can tell, he didn’t get into anything bad and probably just played and waited for the TV to turn on! (I’m really surprised, too, that he didn’t come down to our room!)

So, that was my shocker. Good morning, indeed!

2 Replies to “My morning shocker!”

  1. If the bottom stair gate was closed, how did Owen get through it to the living room????? Can he close it if it was open?

    OMG – what a surprise!!! You’re going to have to set out his bowl of cereal from now on! 😮

  2. The gate was open—he closed it behind him (as we’ve seen him do before)!

    No cereal, LOL, we’ll just keep his door closed for sure (which we normally do, aside from the extenuating circumstances that night).

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