Splashing! Playing!

Today was the first nice day of the year—55 and sunny—so Owen and I went outside to play! The first time we went out, Owen was excited to see THREE trucks come by—the garbage truck, the mail truck, and the FedEx truck! When the FedEx truck went by, he said “X! F!” 🙂 He also enjoyed splashing in the puddles.

After lunch, when it was about time for Tom to come home, we went out again. This time there was much more splashing!

He did not want to go inside—he apparently now remembers how fun it is to be outside—so we went out to the porch while the grill heated up for dinner. He wanted to play with Maggie’s toy…but she wanted the toy more, so she knocked him down trying to get it. He had a fit until I went downstairs and brought up this toy from last summer. You should have seen his face when he saw it—so happy!

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