Happy 9th anniversary to us!

I actually didn’t even think about our upcoming anniversary until I saw the notice on Facebook. Yeah, embarrassing. 😮 I blame it on thinking about my mom’s birthday (the 15th) instead.

Anyway, through a few back-and-forth emails, we decided where to go out for dinner. On the way there, Tom says “Are you sure you don’t want to get Chinese?” I looked at him and said “OMIGOD! Of course we have to get Chinese! I can’t believe I forgot! Why didn’t you say anything when we were emailing?!” He thought I was just dead set on using a coupon we had.

For those of you who have been following along all these years, you may remember that we ALWAYS have Chinese on our anniversary. The first few years were complete accidents, so then we made it a tradition.

And I forgot. :meh:

So Tom actually saved the day…


And that’s why I :heart: him.

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