Eight months old & First Haircut!

Eight months! EIGHT! He cannot be that old—he’s our baby! But look at that long hair! We can’t have that…

So we went to get his hair cut!! Partially because it was really too long, partially to fix our shoddy razor job from a while back, and partially because we have a photo session with a professional photographer next week!!!

He did really, REALLY well—even though he slid off the slippery wooden seat a few times and even though he was really squirmy (he LOVES to look at anything going on around/behind him, so getting him to look straight ahead was a bit of a challenge), the stylist never got frustrated and kept talking to him and trying to direct his attention elsewhere. I had imagined being there FOREVER, but we were done in probably 15 minutes!

And here we are back home, with a cute new ‘do! Unfortunately, the bangs are a little crooked, but that was the hardest part to cut with him being wiggly.

Such a little man! He does NOT look like an 8-month old baby!

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