Outdoor photo session!

It was really nice out this afternoon, so we decided to try and take some photos outside.


Ha ha.


It truly felt like an exercise in futility. He refused to sit up at all, he wouldn’t even sit well propping him up, the camera was giving me troubles (not focusing), he was more interesting in watching the kids next door in the pool, his eyes would close during the shot, or you couldn’t frame the shot so that Tom or I weren’t in it…so it was frustrating.

After all that, we had a whopping 203 photos (taken in about 15 minutes) and guess how many remain after the deletion round? 10. And how many good ones? Maybe two. Guess how many great ones? Zero.

Here are the two good ones (and I don’t even think they’re that good):

Oh well. Tomorrow I get to try again since it’s his 6-month birthday!

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