What an eater!

So last night didn’t go as I expected. What else is new, right? :))

It took forever (it seemed) to put him to bed. I think we started at about 7:45 or 8 and the last time I looked at the clock (when he was still wiggling about) it was 9:30.

So, I figured, cool—he might sleep until 3:30 or 4:30.



He was up at—are you ready?—12:30! HE ONLY SLEPT THREE HOURS! I debated just giving him a tide-me-over bottle but then thought no, I might as well just do our usual routine, so I made the full 6oz. And the little bugger snarfed it…and wanted more! So I ended up making another 2oz!! 88|

So I was back in bed by 1:30 and he was still wiggling away with his mobile on…but he was quiet, so all was well. And then he slept until 5:30—or four hours. Which, I remember being excited about him sleeping four hours in a row—but after nights of six and seven hours, four sucks. Especially since I thought maybe since he only slept three at first, the long shift would come second. Nope. Stinker.

Then when he got up at 5:30, I made another 6oz bottle (normally I would do 4oz but I had a feeling)…and he ate the entire thing! I hoped he would go back down for an hour or two (because I was exhausted) but, alas, he woke up when daddy came home from the gym (to shower) so we were both up for the day! XX(

But, holy wah, by 6am he had already eaten 14oz, or just about half of what he has normally been eating in a day (anywhere from 28-36, but usually about 32)! As of 11:30, he had eaten 22oz! I can’t wait to see how much his total is for the day. I am hoping he eats enough so that he doesn’t wake up tonight and sleeps right through to (at least) 6am. But I am guessing it’s a growth spurt and the non-sleeping will continue.

I know it’s only been four months (his four month birthday is next week) but at this rate, I am not sure he will have a sibling because I really don’t want to go through this again. |-|

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