Surprise #2!

I hate this mini pill I’m taking.

I am taking it vs. a regular birth control pill because it was supposed to not hinder milk production as much. BUT, apparently, it’s not nearly as effective and…as evidenced by today…no help at all in regulating your period.


So, somewhat on topic, this just reinforces my decision to phase out pumping. I have been taking my “milk pills” and pumping throughout the day…but I am just not getting that much anymore. Yes, it’s still some—and some is better than none—but it really just doesn’t seem to be that worthwhile quantity wise.

Believe me, I have thought about this and part of me hates to give it up. But part of me also dislikes pumping, taking 10 extra pills a day, and not being able to take the regular pill.

But the way I see it is that I managed for four months (most likely, by the time I wean myself from pumping). Not great, but certainly not bad. And, like the move to formula (where I felt guilty at first and now I am fine with it), I am sure it will be the same with this.

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