
So today was the day for my glucose tolerance test. From everything I had heard and read about the test, the sugary orange drink was hideous and awful to try and get down—so I wasn’t looking forward to it at all.

And you know what? It wasn’t that bad. I swear some regular pop is worse than that stuff was. The hardest part was fasting four hours before—which, for a 9:15 appointment just meant I couldn’t eat anything after getting up…hard because I am RAVENOUS when I get up in the morning. Oh well, I survived.

And I still like the doc’s office, but it is somewhat different than the military clinics I have been used to for the last seven years. The two most noticeable things today were:

  1. They had me test my own urine (it is apparently expected before you even walk in for your appointment). There are test strips in the bathroom and you do your own test and then tell them the results! (Of course, if you are unsure, you can give them the strip, but still.) I cannot see that EVER happening in a military clinic.
  2. When it was determined I had a yeast infection (#2 this month—yippee), I fully expected a prescription that wouldn’t cost me anything (or maybe $3 co-pay) to fill. Well, apparently the wonderful pill Diflucan is not recommended during pregnancy (although my What To Expect book said it would be okay) so the doc said “Just buy a 3- or 7-day Monistat.” Huh? What? No prescription? GRRR. I am 99.99% sure I have seen military pharmacies hand out Monistat (or at least something similar) that would be FREE. Instead, I had to pay $15 for it. >:XX

In other news, the nurse was very impressed with my blood pressure, so that’s a good thing!

I have another appointment in two weeks. I forgot to ask if every two weeks is my new schedule (I can’t imagine why it would be, but she didn’t say anything about it).

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