I really hate it when I get pissed off on the way in to work—it’s just not the best way to start the day.

This morning, some idiot pulled out (basically) in front of me. Since I was on a 55mph road, he really should have waited, but god forbid someone wait for a proper break in traffic. So, I pretty much had to slow from 55 to 25 in three seconds. Then, about 1/4 mile up the road, he slams on his brakes—which means I have to slam on my brakes, engaging the ABS and sending all the stuff in my car flying to the floor. Asshat wasn’t paying attention and missed some activity on the side of the road that he had to avoid at the last second.

Oh, and did I mention this idiot was on the phone? GRRRRRRR. >:XX I don’t mind people talking and driving if they can handle it, but some people obviously can’t.


  1. Yes, some people are real jerks in a car. Don’t get high blood pressure over it. Continued ranting and raving is not good for your health. As for the ABS thing, it sounds like a case of tail gaiting to me. What do ya think? Just think how much easier it would be if we all took an extra 15 minutes to get where we wanted to go.

    love ya,

  2. Yeah, I might have been a little closer than necessary, LOL, but it was still his fault for talking on the phone and not paying attention to his surroundings.

  3. This reminds me of one of my pet peeves about “stupid drivers”. Have you ever added this one to your evergrowing list?

    I hate it when you get to a four way stop and people don’t take their legal turn. I suspect some might be trying to be courteous in letting you go before them, but how in the heck am I supposed to know what they are thinking? Are they knowledgeable about what is proper? Are they in a fog? Are they having a heart attack? Just take your stupid, legal turn and all is well.

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