Maggie on the loose!

So we were sitting at the table eating breakfast with Beth (a friend of a friend who spent the night at our house because we got home from the bar quite late) when Tom happens to look out the window and sees Maggie running across the street chasing a cat!


He said “There goes Maggie!” and we both froze for an instant before we jumped into action. I thought he ran out to get her, but he ran out the back so I think he went to see how she got loose (off her chain), and Beth and I ran out the front door to get the dog. I ran onto the porch and yelled her name and she was such a good girl—she came flying back across the street at top speed and right into my arms.

But oh my god, we were so scared! Our poor little baby!

When Tom came in, he said her collar was not latched (I had assumed she pulled it off over her head) but apparently when he put her collar on in the morning, in his morning-after-drinking stupor, he didn’t latch it fully…so when she saw the cat and took off, the collar popped and off she went!

Now we have to see about getting a fence.

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