It’s Official – We’re Open!

We officially opened today! And it was so crazy busy all day long that I almost forgot to eat lunch (when I finally did, it was at my desk, working while I ate) and I stayed until 5:30. I am dumbfounded at how busy we really are—I literally worked every minute—and the day went by SO quickly it was amazing! It’s funny—in the morning, I think “Of course I will get through this stack on my desk!” but at the end of the day, the stack is just as big and it feels like I didn’t do anything—except I know I did!

I have to admit, though, that the best thing is that we don’t have our phone lines hooked up yet (because they were already hooked up at the other office, so we’re waiting for them to change them over) so I don’t have to answer the phone! I think I would be going INSANE if I had to answer the phones on top of all the other craziness.

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