We’re in Boca!

Our trip down was fairly uneventful…we ended up with a minor delay of about an hour once we were on the plane in Charlotte (we had to wait for a replacement part of some sort) but we had exit-row seating so it wasn’t bad at all! Once we landed in Fort Lauderdale, we only had to wait about 10 minutes until Kathryn arrived, so the timing was perfect!

Anna and Izzy are so totally adorable it’s unbelievable! Kathryn said Izzy knew we were coming and couldn’t wait! As soon as she walked in the door, it was “Aunt Jen!!” and I got a big hug! Then I said “Uncle Tom wants a hug, too!” so she ran over and gave him a hug. If you can believe it, she is more talkative than ever!! She had to sit by me at dinner and cuddle with me on the couch. I keep telling Kathryn that if they ever want to give her up, we would take her in a second!! I hope our kids are as great as these two!

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