Ain’t that a kick in the pants?

Tom called me earlier this morning to tell me…


(I’m building the suspense!)


He’s fully checked out and he can leave at any time!! Yea! Except, of course, that his flight doesn’t leave until March 19th and there are no flights before that! Boo! So, he has the next five or so days to just kick back and relax—since he’s checked out, that means he doesn’t have a job to do! He did say he’s really ready to come home—apparently things aren’t running quite as smoothly as they were when his group was in charge and it’s extremely frustrating to watch (as I can well imagine).

He’s still not sure how long he will have to be in California. He was going to call them later today to see if they could A) give him any idea and/or B) tell them he wants to leave as soon as possible, best case scenario the day he gets there!

Whatever the case, the final countdown is on!

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