What exactly are weekends for?

It seems all I do all week is look forward to the weekend…and then the weekend gets here and what do I do? Nothing exciting, that’s for damn sure. So far, I’ve done three loads of laundry, watched some Tivo, cleaned up the bathroom (i.e. not a full clean, more like a move stuff around, dust, and throw old things away clean), cleaned off the bedroom dresser—and there’s still so much to be done!

I don’t like these kinds of weekends, but there’s not much else to do since Tom is gone and all our friends have moved… I usually feel like I should run to town on the weekends (since I don’t go during the week because I hate getting home that late), but if I go to town, I just end up spending money I don’t need to spend on crap I don’t really need. But if I stay home the entire weekend, I feel like a bump on a log. I am going out tomorrow for a baby shower/housewarming, but it still doesn’t feel like much. I think I need a life. Or just maybe having Tom home again?! 🙂

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