Tom is in Kuwait

As of 6pm Sunday, Tom is in Kuwait at Camp Victory (an army base).

The original plan was to leave California this past Saturday morning about 2am and fly to Baltimore. He called sometime later from the air force base to let me know that plans had changed, were delayed a bit because his flight was canceled, and instead of flying to Baltimore and then to Kuwait, he was now flying to New Jersey, then Ireland, then Italy, then Kuwait! Of course, I told him to take pictures (am I my mother’s daughter or what?). He said he’d try, and he hoped he’d get a chance to visit an Irish pub!

I expected to NOT hear from him for at least two or three days—until he reached his final destination. But, I got a call at 2am Saturday night—from Germany! Turns out the plans had changed again! He also made sure to let me know that he was traveling FIRST CLASS the entire way! Complete with in-seat movie screens and seats that folded out into beds! He didn’t get any pictures in Germany, though, because they only had enough time to get off the plane while it was refueling.

Again, I thought I wouldn’t hear from him for a day or so… but when I got home from work today, he popped up on IM so we got to chat for 10 minutes. He was at a cyber cafe next to a Baskin Robbins! He said you wouldn’t believe the money in Kuwait…he said when the people get into car accidents, they just pull the car over and leave it and get another! He’s seen many new cars and trucks just abandoned! He was going to be leaving for Iraq in about 12 hours so I’ll probably get a call sometime after that, or as soon as he can get to a phone! He said he’ll be sending pics as soon as he can, too. He says hello to everyone!

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