Upcoming deployment…

Well, everyone…we have good news and bad news.

The bad news? Tom got the call today—he’s headed to Iraq on September 15! We’re both taking it well (or as well as could be expected). Of course we didn’t want for this to happen, but we both knew it was a possibility so it’s not like it was a total surprise. What we ARE thankful for is that we have until September 15 to prepare…we actually got notice yesterday that he had a 50/50 chance of leaving in 10 days (!) and THAT really threw us for a loop…so we’ll gladly take 45 days instead. (This will give us time to get the legal stuff in order…as well as have our garage sale!) Everyone has mentioned how well I’m taking this…and I say “Well, FOR NOW! Just wait until he starts packing and I have to drop him off…I’ll be a total mess.” 🙂 Oh, and did I mention what might just be the worst part??? He won’t be gone for the normal six months like most everyone else…he’ll be gone for NINE MONTHS! Oy vey.

But, the good news? He won’t be on the front line! He’ll basically be doing some of what he does on base now—technically, he will be an Information Management Officer/Data Programming Officer. In civilian terms, inputting data into databases and making sure applications are running correctly…in an air-conditioned tent. 🙂 He’ll be located away from shelling and direct fire in a Headquarters type area (just about as safe as you can be over there). And it’s also good news that he’ll be pulling in overseas and hazardous duty pay…

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